• 也是为什么科学无法得出道德事实

    And that's why no science could deliver moral truth.


  • 这样要求来自第一次提出直觉根本没有什么道德事实

    This demand follows from an instinct first formulated by me: that there are no moral facts whatever.


  • 许多方面道德目的缺失不仅造成如此广泛电话窃听事实也构成审判条件

    In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.


  • 好的政治可能道德的,事实由于一种奇怪的宿命道德政治发生冲突时后者通常占上风

    What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.


  • 事实,在皮研究中心(Pew Research)数据中,千禧没有职业道德作为独特之处。

    In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctive of itself.


  • 科学家不能认同一项科学假设取决于客观事实不取决这项假设是否某种道德观念宗教信仰相一致。从这种意义上来说,科学本身并不涉及价值判断。

    Science is value free in the sense that scientific hypotheses have to be accepted or rejected on the basis of facts and not on the basis of their consistency with any ethical or religious belief.


  • 《各就各位预备开始!》有助于倡导者超越舆论科学事实道德判断青少年提供极为需要信息

    Steady, Ready, GO! Will help advocates move beyond opinions and moral judgements to scientific fact, and provide much needed information to young people themselves.


  • 看来,对此感到担心事实证明你的道德水平高于所有那些通常不假思索就会贬低下属的经理。

    To me, the fact that you are worrying about it makes you morally superior to all the managers who routinely run down their underlings without a second thought.


  • 事实本质使得道德是否对梦起作用“观点争论不休双方最终达成共识认为产生不良梦境的是某种特别心理

    The nature of the facts compels both those who argue for and those who argue against moral responsibility in dream-life to agree in recognizing a special psychic source for the immorality of dreams.


  • 一个道德性格,与了解琐碎事实相比,可以取得大的个人成就

    A person's morals and character play a far greater part in personal achievement than knowing trivial facts.


  • 事实,这种痛苦-,这种移情作用确实我们,道德关心关怀别人。

    But it does happen that emotional — that this sort of empathy does lead to moral concern and action.


  • 正是因为这个世界上邪恶常常得不到惩罚,断言这个道德准则一定反映了另一个事实灵魂会受到审判惩罚或者奖励

    Precisely because evil so often goes unpunished in this world, he asserts, the moral code must reflect another reality, in which souls are judged, punished, or rewarded after death.


  • 事实他人兴趣两点,没有获得可以披露这些事情的道德权利

    Just because it's true and others may be curious about it doesn't give you the ethical right to reveal it.


  • 但是过去事实表明提升节目道德水准往往会导致观众的流失。

    But attempts to raise the moral standards of broadcasting in the past have often resulted in a decline in viewers.


  • 通过描写苏格拉底身边景象声音道德事实来勾画出她心目中的人物形象。

    She Outlines Socrates mainly by describing the sights, sounds, mores and facts that surrounded him.


  • 此类案件中,我们知道的事实收款人到底是谁,”帝·索勒斯(Tim Sorrells)说道。 他是德克萨斯州道德委员会副总顾问

    "It's a fact question on a case by case basis to determine whether the actual payee has been disclosed, " said Tim Sorrells, the deputy general counsel at the Texas Ethics Commission.


  • 其他人类一样,即使日常例行职责表现中也会遇到道德问题——人们并不要求可以烹饪实验加工事实医治报告

    Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties-he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports.


  • 人工复制生命道德问题辩论忽略了事实当前克隆本身一个效率极低过程

    Overlooked in the arguments about the morality of artificially reproducing life is the fact that, at present, cloning is a very inefficient procedure.


  • 表明工程应当进行下去事实道德可能的。

    It does not follow that the project should go ahead; indeed it may be morally wrong.


  • 对于某些道德洁癖者来说,这种怪胎出现动物王国道德沦陷最好例证事实证明,不同物种之间杂交并不什么罕见的奇观。

    While one might think that these oddities are examples of some kind of moral breakdown in the animal kingdom, it turns out that hybridization among distinct species is not so rare.


  • 约翰先生论题为斯梅德利的商业失败事实却是一个英雄式道德成功

    Mr Johns's thesis is that Smedley's commercial failure was in fact a heroic moral success.


  • 种族》中,马迈特以事实真相取代了道德正义

    In "Race", Mr Mamet replaces moral righteousness with something more real.


  • 认为美国道德上完美无瑕的观点或许安慰美国人,但糟糕的是这不是事实

    The idea that the United States is uniquely virtuous may be comforting to Americans; too bad it's not true.


  • 道德系统意识认为:“我们事实还差很远”。

    On the source of moral systems and consciousness, he says, “we are nowhere near an answer”.


  • 一个人观察每日行为,就看出积极际上导致人们在做符合道德行为方面不那么努力

    I think when one starts observing everyday behavior one can start seeing patterns where doing something good will actually later result in less effort in continuing some kind of moral behavior.


  • 事实他们证明西方世界面对他们道德典范时,往往被迫支持他们

    Indeed, they have shown that in the face of their moral example, the Western world, more often than not, will be forced to support them.


  • 事实他们证明西方世界面对他们道德典范时,往往被迫支持他们

    Indeed, they have shown that in the face of their moral example, the Western world, more often than not, will be forced to support them.


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