One of the important tools agreed in Japan is the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization.
One of the essential tools coincided in Japan is the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization.
Overall, China's access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing system design still at an early stage, especially in management and specific legislative system, there is a clear stylistic deficiency.
They require patent applicants to declare any use of hereditary material obtained from humans, animals, plants or microbes if inventions are dependent on those genetic resources.
No patent will be granted for an invention based on genetic resources if the access or utilization of the said genetic resources is in violation of any law or administrative regulation.
Access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing and related intellectual property issues are heatedly debated by the international community in the latest years.
The issue of protection and utilization of genetic resources, especially the obtaining and sharing of benefit, which is concentrated on by the international society and every country in the world.
Since the entry into force of the CBD have been more than 50 countries and regions adopted a resolution on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing area of the law.
The Delegation regretted that genetic resources were often exploited without the countries of origin being able to enjoy the benefits produced in an equitable manner.
The Delegation regretted that genetic resources were often exploited without the countries of origin being able to enjoy the benefits produced in an equitable manner.