• 私人保险弥补部分损失但是许多家庭发现他们保险负责造成的损失造成的不管。

    Private insurance will cover some of that, but many homeowners are finding that they were covered only against damage by wind, not water.


  • 其次,保险支付了近四分之一损失,其中大部分国外的再

    Insurance will cover around a quarter of the total bill, and is mostly reinsured abroad.Mr pin.


  • 就是说,对于自然灾害海上风险造成保险货物全部损失部分损失保险负有责任赔偿。

    That is to say, the insurer is liable for all total or partial loss of or damage to the insured goods caused by natural calamities or by sea perils.


  • 货物商品或者其他动产发生部分损失,除保险另有明文规定外,赔偿范围如下

    Where is a partial loss of goods, merchandise, or other moveables, the measure of indemnity, subject to any express provision in the policy, is as follows.


  • 部分海损保险货物损失没有达到全部损失的程度。

    Partial Loss means the goods are party lost or damaged.


  • 但是保险公司保险又规定了额、共同保险条款责任限额从而使存在不当行为董事自己承担部分损失费用

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.


  • 人们花费收入一小部分用于家庭保险并不是因为担心自己住所一周以内付之一炬而是因为一旦火灾发生损失惨重

    They spend a little of their incomes on household insurance not because they think their homes are likely to be torched next week but because, if it happened, the results would be disastrous.


  • 一方面,水渍保险各种情况下遭受的部分损失

    On the other hand, a W. P. A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.


  • 装卸过程中,被保险货物一件数件、所造成全部损失部分损失

    Total or partial loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages into sea during the process of loading, unloading or transshipment.


  • 保险金额低于保险价值的,保险标的发生部分损失时,保险按照保险金额保险价值比例负赔偿责任。

    Where the insured amount is lower than the insured value, the insurer shall indemnify in the proportion that the insured amount bears to the insured value.


  • 保险提出全损诉讼请求证据证明部分损失的,保险另有规定外,可以索赔部分损失

    Where the assured brings an action for a total loss and the evidence proves only a partial loss, he may, unless the policy otherwise provides, recover for a partial loss.


  • 保险人同意按照原定费率补交保险终止之日损失金额部分日比例附加保险

    The Insured undertakes to pay prorata additional premium at the original rate on the amount of any loss to the expiry of the Period of Insurance.


  • 投保水渍险意味着一旦发生自然灾害引起海水侵害保险货物造成部分损失保险人将负责赔偿;

    With Average (W. A) is the cover under which the insurer is responsible for the partial losses of the insured goods and protects them against damage from seawater caused by natural calamities.


  • 知情人士称,KBS这家银行的部分存款提供了保险,并因银行破产而遭受损失

    KBS insured some deposits at this bank and lost money in the failure, people familiar with the matter said. Mr.


  • 但是事故损失公寓业主疏忽所致时需要支付公寓物业保险中的垫底部分如果维修费用保险低于垫底费,公寓业主则须承担全部维修损失费用。

    However, the unit owner is billed for the insurance deductible when the damages are caused by his negligence, and will be billed for the full price if the repair costs are less than the deductible.


  • 乙方必须承担车辆丢失后原车型个月租赁费保险公司赔偿后不足部分的车辆损失

    Party B shall undertake the responsibilities of three (3) months rent and all damage expenses aside from insurance indemnifications .


  • 海上损失——保险货物海洋运输中,因遭受海上风险而引起损失,包括:全部损失部分损失

    Marine losses refer to the ones that are caused to the insured cargo during sea transport by the perils of the sea. They include Total loss and Partial loss.


  • 海上损失——保险货物海洋运输中,因遭受海上风险而引起损失,包括:全部损失部分损失

    Marine losses refer to the ones that are caused to the insured cargo during sea transport by the perils of the sea. They include Total loss and Partial loss.


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