And the recent lowering of bank reserve requirements is a godsend.
The reserve bank of India has already reduced the cash reserve ratio for commercial Banks, among other measures.
The required reserve ratio (or reserve requirement) is a bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each bank must hold to customer deposits and notes.
Further increases to bank reserve requirements make sense in order to constrain the growth of credit.
Among them, he says, reducing reserve requirements for Banks and letting them accept giant deposits overseas.
Chinatook markets by surprise at the weekend, lifting the ratio of reserves that Banks must hold by 100 basis points.
The central bank also lowered by a full percentage point the share of assets that small and medium-size Banks must deposit as reserves with the central bank, effective Sept. 25.
Since January 2010, the required reserve ratio and benchmark deposit and lending rates have been raised 12 times and four times respectively.
Williams from Capital Economics said the central bank is likely to loosen credit controls by the end of the year, and may also cut the level of required reserves in the banking system.
Furthermore, he cautioned against overplaying the potential impact of interest rate rises and further big increases to the bank reserve requirement.
The People's Bank of China announced Wednesday that it would cut the reserve requirement ratio for banks by 0.5 percentage point, freeing up more funds to lend.
Economists expect that China will lift interest rates two or three more times this year as well as tightening loan quotas, raising bank reserve requirements, and permitting currency appreciation.
The PBOC also raised reserve requirements on Banks six times in 2010, obliging them to set aside 18.5% of their deposits, a record ratio.
The People's bank of China lifted the share of funds that commercial Banks must leave on deposit with the central bank by 50 basis points to 16.5 per cent, the fourth such increase this year.
The reserve requirement rate for the largest Banks will fall by 1 percentage point to 15.5%, while that for smaller Banks will fall by 2 percentage points to 14.5%.
China's stock market benchmark, the Shanghai Composite Index, plunged by 7.73 percent Tuesday after the People's Bank of China said it would raise the reserve ratio by one percent this month.
Leverage is being squeezed out of real estate by increased bank reserve ratio requirements (which are almost double those of Banks like Citigroup (BAC - news - people)) and by limits on mortgages.
Interest has been decreased successively, deposited reserve has also been lowered, and rediscount and reloan from PBC has been enlarged, etc.
The reserve ratio is to go up in two stages, half a percent on June 15 and another half on June 25, to a record high 17.5 percent.
尽管中央银行几次上调准备金率和银行存款利率,三月份的贷款新增6800亿人民币(合计1040亿美元), 远高于二月份的5360亿.
Chinese banks handed out Rmb680bn ($104bn) in new loans in March, up from Rmb536bn in February, despite several increases in reserve requirements and interest rates over that period.
尽管中央银行几次上调准备金率和银行存款利率,三月份的贷款新增6800亿人民币(合计1040亿美元), 远高于二月份的5360亿.
Chinese banks handed out Rmb680bn ($104bn) in new loans in March, up from Rmb536bn in February, despite several increases in reserve requirements and interest rates over that period.