Links farms are sites where you can instantly exchange links with all the sites listed in that directory.
After a site adds link plant, on one hand it is attainable the link of all webpages in coming from this system, serve as the link that exchanges it to need him dedication at the same time.
Navigate to the Resources section, expand the JMS tab, and click on either Activation specifications or the appropriate type of connection factory link.
Click on the connection factory or activation specification on which to enable channel compression, and select the Advanced properties link on the right side.
To see the list of all of the connection properties defined for the connection factory, click the Custom properties link in the connection factory section of the administrative console.
Connect the Apply manufacturing Plant selection Policy BPEL invoke activity to the newly created partner link.
A plant, though always linked to one company code, can be assigned to different sales organizations.
In the Extension Element Details area, type or browse to the name of your factory class, then click the class hyperlink next to the text box.
The binding context also provides the linkage to the inner channel factories and channel listeners that are used to construct the channel and listener stacks.
The binding context also provides the linkage to the inner channel factories and channel listeners that are used to construct the channel and listener stacks.