ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror neuron system during the task of observation or emotional cognition.
The mirror-neuron system [MNS] allows us to [see a facial expression] and know what that person is feeling.
In fact, the role is small enough that it's unlikely that mirror neurons would be causal factors in our ability to understand speech.
ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror system during the task of observation or emotional cognition.
And I claim that what happened was the sudden emergence of a sophisticated mirror neuron system, which allowed you to emulate and imitate other people's actions.
Studies of the mirror neuron system may reveal clues to the causes of autism and help researchers develop new ways to diagnose and treat the disorders.
The mirror neuron system probably plays some role in how we understand other people's speech, but it's likely that this role is much smaller than has been previously claimed.
The mirror neuron system probably plays some role in how we understand other people's speech, but it's likely that this role is much smaller than has been previously claimed.
The finding of mirror neuron system engenders researchers to understand human beings' various domains of social cognition from a unifying neural mechanism.
It is significant to investigate mirror system for revealing causes of autism and it's also helpful for developing new ways to diagnose or treat this disorder.
These "mirror neurons", as Rizzolatti later dubbed them, were hypothesized to constitute a brain system responsible for our ability to understand the actions of others.
These "mirror neurons", as Rizzolatti later dubbed them, were hypothesized to constitute a brain system responsible for our ability to understand the actions of others.