The standardized wiki and issue tracker features mean that many projects are setup in the same way.
The question information description model and the design issue tracking system function model are designed. Then the PCDITS architecture is proposed.
According to its Web page, "trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects," but it works equally well for administration requests.
The issue tracker is integrated with the project's repository: it is possible to modify tickets from within commit messages, and the commits then also contain links back to the ticket.
One problem experienced by most systems administrators when attempting to implement EWU identifiers is how to track and document them.
The infrastructure in question was a test results tracking system.
It is clear that version control system software is necessary for keeping track of your source code and that it can help in a great deal with the application configuration problems discussed here.
You can use the system call trace to identify errors that may be the potential root cause of your problem.
Using KDB, you will be able to track down the system crash problems quickly.
If the previous steps fail to uncover the exact root cause of the problem and you need to diagnose connectivity issues further, use truss to run a verbose system call trace of the command.
在使用自动化客户关系管理 (CRM)系统时,通常使用一个编号来跟踪问题。
When using an automated customer relationship management (CRM) system, the issue is often tracked with a number.
“In the real world, the mechanical systems may have problems, so that increases energy use,” Mr.Frankel said, adding that keeping track of energy use is rarely a priority for owners.
The PPMS should also have a mechanism for tracking trends and anticipating issues so that managers can implement proactive measures to avoid non-compliant projects.
问题跟踪(Ticket - tracking)系统是编排技术人员的手段。
Ticket-tracking systems are ways of orchestrating your technicians.
Robust adaptive tracking problems for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems were investigated.
This paper presents the design method of this type of nonlinear adaptive control system and its out loop trajectory tracking controller.
In the fifth and sixth chapter, trajectory tracking control in inertia space of the dual-arm space robot system is studied.
Controlling the image stabilizing system is a position tracking control.
In this paper, the output tracking of the nonlinear system with nonlinear parameterization is considered.
Any LED system should be able to appropriately track overvoltage, undervoltage, short circuit, open circuit, and thermal runaway conditions.
Then his team creates the systems to track the measurements and takes action when the company isn't delivering.
How to realize maneuvering target tracking quickly when target is maneuvering is one of problems that radar information processing system must solve.
When designing the task-aware debugging, we notice the requirement of a real-time embedded system, and so we use a software-implemented method to keep the trace of system code executing flow.
The optimal tracking control problem for linear systems with control delay is considered.
The problem of filtering coordinate system selection for closed-in weapon system is discussed, from the standpoint of minimizing the filter estimation error.
There are two main problems in bearing-only tracking: system's nonlinearity and inscrutability of the range of target.
To solve these problems, this paper studies and designs a visual analytic system based on interaction history on-line tracking mechanism.
The accuracy, reliability and tracking mode of an antenna tracking system are discussed, and specific problems associated with its application to the helicopter are solved.
Output tracking for a class of affine nonlinear time varying systems based on state observers is considered.
In this paper, the optimal output-tracking problem of dynamic input-output system is discussed.