Thus we make our products in the quality assurance and low price.
If you want to increase sales in such a weak market, you will have to lower your prices.
If I were running Starbucks, I would slightly reduce prices across the board. Maybe 10% or 15%.
Likewise if Jones' product was available more readily or less expensively from some other source Jones would either go out of business or be forced to lower his prices to a competitive rate.
Likewise, if Jones' product was available more readily or less expensively from some other source, Jones would either go out of business or be forced to lower his prices to a competitive rate.
Economics theory tells us that the pursuit of higher corporate profits, mainly through two ways, namely, to raise prices or reduce the cost of the product.
Meanwhile the difference of shrinkage rate will increase the difficulty in apparel production such as sewing.
Meanwhile the difference of shrinkage rate will increase the difficulty in apparel production such as sewing.