• 这项调查使用中西部地区2000随机取样

    The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across the Midwest.


  • 回顾采用有使用随机或者随机取样方法研究

    Only studies using random or quasi-random methods of allocation were considered for this review.


  • 方法采用分层随机取样抽取15名陆军军人进行结构式访谈

    Methods The 15 soldiers selected through a hierarchical sampling method were treated by an un-structured interview.


  • 采用简单随机取样研究高速公路匝道入口标志植物驾驶员反应时间影响

    By using the simple random-sampling method, this paper researches on the influence of the mark plants before the entry point of superhighway's ramp on the responding time of the driver.


  • 方法定期进行随机取样,并对照组进行观察测量比较,追踪牛膝根外部形态变化

    Methods Observing and comparing the morphological change of Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae between bud picked groups and control groups in a random and at regular intervals time test.


  • 随机取样过程、特征缺陷进行了分析提出基于KD 树子的聚类初始化方法

    This paper focuses on the process and property of random sampling, and proposes a novel random sampling method which is based on KD-Tree samples.


  • 虽然许多调查所用随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举消费模式

    Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population, the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns.


  • 一定假设下,可以启发式搜索看作一种随机取样过程从而可以统计推断方法引进搜索。

    Under certain hypothesis a heuristic search can be considered as a random sampling process. Thus, it is possible to transfer the statistical inference method to the heuristic search.


  • 所谓遗传漂变就是指:一个有限种群内,由于配子随机取样使得遗传组成在种群内发生变化的现象。

    Genetic drift is change in the genetic composition of a population arising as a consequence of sampling of gametes in a finite population.


  • 印度旁遮普省昌迪加45所托儿所(anganwadi)中心采用多级分层随机取样选择了806名6以下儿童

    We randomly selected 806 children under 6 years of age from 45 primary anganwadi (childcare) centres in Chandigarh, Punjab, India, that were chosen through multistage stratified random sampling.


  • 很少有实验报道随机取样方法。内含的试验方法质量一般很弱三种试验分别为随机取样法、安慰剂给样试验。

    The methodological quality of included trials was generally "poor." Few trials reported methods of randomization. Three trials were randomized, double blind, and placebo-controlled.


  • 随机取样1,30.7%已经接受瓣膜置换患者死亡,相比较而言,50.7%的接受标准内科治疗的患者死亡。

    At one year after randomization, 30.7 percent of patients who had received the percutaneous valve replacement had died compared with 50.7 percent of those who received standard medical therapy.


  • 目的研究农村中学生父母养育方式自尊评价的关系。方法采用随机取样抽取300名农村中学生进行EMBU和SES调查。

    OBJECTIVE A study on the relationship between parental rearing pattern and self-esteem of rural middle school students.


  • 采取分层随机取样方式选取大连4所大学在校生作为研讨对象抽取不同年级性别在校生共460名,最后筛选出有效问卷共406份。

    The 460 subjects are selected from different grades and gender of four dalian universities by stratified random sampling, and screen out 406 effective questionnaires.


  • 最后根据随机空间思想本文研究了半随机取样的子空间集成(esrs)及其人脸识别方法分析研究了不同人脸数据库特性这些数据库进行实验

    Finally, according to the concept of subspace, the paper researches the ESRS and its face recognition methods, analyze character of different face databases and make experiments on the database.


  • 最后根据随机空间思想本文研究了半随机取样的子空间集成(esrs)及其人脸识别方法分析研究了不同人脸数据库特性这些数据库进行实验

    Finally, according to the concept of subspace, the paper researches the ESRS and its face recognition methods, analyze character of different face databases and make experiments on the database.


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