有许多方法可以生成K 个系统的一个随机样本。
There are many ways to generate a random sample of K systems.
In this paper, the author arrives at the method keying to random sampling sum distribution in normal statistics structure.
母体,随机样本。样本统计, 样本平均数和变异数的动差。
Populations, random samples. Sample statistics, moments of the sample mean and variance.
Secondly, on the basis of these bounds, the idea of the structural risk minimization principle based on birandom samples is presented.
They are not a random sample, so those numbers do not represent reality whether or not those numbers serve our interests.
But the problem with the lab data, Dr. Larmuseau said, was that it didn't come from a random sample of people.
The trapezoidal fuzzy number sample is one of non-real random samples. This dissertation will discuss the support vector machine base on trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
Your test player population is not going to be random sample. It will be a self-selected sample whose average motivations and behavior will be biased.
I am against processing those case studies into Numbers, because those Numbers would only be valid if the case studies we have are a random sample.
Finally the key theorem of statistical learning theory based on random rough samples is proved, and the bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process are discussed.
First, the evidence is not derived from a random global sample (it tends to come from countries with a well-established scientific tradition).
商人圈(Merchant Circle)的调查是基于美国8456名小企业主这一随机样本进行的。
The Merchant Circle survey is based on a random sample of 8, 456 small business business owners in the United States.
The problem of using ordinary statistical methods basically for simple random samples in analyzing data from complex surveys for non simple random samples was discussed.
The field of capture-recapture and removal is an important direction of mathematical statistics, which studies the estimation of the sizes of finite populations from incomplete random samples.
According to maximum likelihood theory, it fuses random samples coming from different matrix (same mean different variance) in an effective way, and gains a nwe estimator of matrix mean.
For their study, Picardi and his colleagues recruited a random sample of female nurses, who were younger than 60 years old, had no chronic illnesses and no history of major psychiatric disorders.
The panel study involved a random sample of 895 households from over 50 000 enrolled in a cash-for-work programme between September and December 2007 and 921 similar control households.
The panel study involved a random sample of 895 households from over 50 000 enrolled in a cash-for-work programme between September and December 2007 and 921 similar control households.