• 他们堪称英国青年优秀代表!

    They were fine specimens of British youth!


  • 一个青年俱乐部的成员。

    I used to belong to a youth club.


  • 遭到了白人青年凶残攻击

    He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of white youths.


  • 培养许许多多的青年歌手

    She has coached hundreds of young singers.


  • 一个才华横溢的青年科学家

    He's a brilliant young scientist.


  • 代表了如今青年意见

    He represents the opinions of the youth of today.


  • 城市青年有着强大的吸引力。

    Cities have a powerful magnetizing effect on young people.


  • 乐曲勾起了青年时代回忆

    The music evoked memories of her youth.


  • 青年政治问题往往漠不关心

    Young people are often unconcerned with political issues.


  • 越来越多的青年癌症去妻子

    More and more young men are widowed by cancer.


  • 这个宣传计划显然针对青年的。

    The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.


  • 成功青年企业家典型。

    He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.


  • 音乐节青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

    The festival was a showcase for young musicians.


  • 成千上万的青年面临长期待业状况

    Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.


  • 撞见青年正在辆车

    He caught a youth breaking into a car.


  • 现代青年男子典范

    He is the epitome of a modern young man.


  • 需要此类指导社会群体青年男性

    The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male.


  • 大多数青年来说,为社会所接纳重要

    Social acceptance is important for most young people.


  • 好像青年重现

    It was like the return of his youth.


  • 很快就跻身英国著名青年画家行列。

    He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.


  • 那个青年男子带着马克·赖尔沿着条走廊走

    The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.


  • 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间青年罪犯

    The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.


  • 西班牙葡萄牙失业青年人数已经有所下降。

    In Spain and Portugal there has been a decrease in the number of young people out of work.


  • 青年时代到晚年一直保持强烈社会良知

    He has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.


  • 也许快乐青年时代环境怀念影响

    He might be influenced by nostalgia for the surroundings of his happy youth.


  • 时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者竞赛中取胜

    I got my lucky break when I won a 'Young Journalist of the Year' competition.


  • 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利现代青年文化真正创始人

    Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.


  • 丈夫附近公园遭到一个持刀青年男子的攻击。

    Her husband was assailed by a young man with a knife in a nearby park.


  • 这部电影描绘了在下曼哈顿地区生活青年文化

    The film portrays a culture of young people who live in lower Manhattan.


  • 一位青年人格蓄意的、下流的恶毒攻击

    It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.


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