• 经济衰退时消费者有可能缩减玩具非必需品的消费。

    In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on nonessentials like toys.


  • 我们很少有人在给油箱加油时顺带买零食、香烟软饮料其他生活非必需品

    Few of us can fill up the tank without buying a few snacks, cigarettes, soft drinks or other items we can live without.


  • 每当冲动购买必需品时就表上

    If you have an impulse to buy something you don’t absolutely need, put it on a 30-day list.


  • 如果花销超过月收入需要减少必需品的开销。

    If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to cut back on nonessential items.


  • 购物。原因很明显,总之,必需品就尽量少去商店

    Keep away from the shops - for obvious reasons. No more Focus on necessities.


  • 这个标准通过讨论找出社会参与”的必需品必需品设定的。

    The standard was set by focus groups working out what was and was not necessary "to participate in society."


  • 然而我们现在必需品消费二战后的繁荣期还要高出三倍来。

    Yet, we're now spending nearly three-times more on non-essential items than we did during the post-WWII boom.


  • 尽管美国人花费大量非必需品服务上,他们他人礼物开销很大

    Although Americans spend a great deal of money on unnecessary goods and services for themselves, they also spend a large amount on gifts for others.


  • 即使美元购买力增强,那些没有工作特别是没有储蓄负责任消费者不会钱花在必需品上。

    But even if a consumer dollar buys more, responsible people without jobs, and especially those without savings, don't spend on nonessentials.


  • 没有哪个时候假期更适合研究美国世界各地消费者必需品(与食品和住房等必需品相反)消费情况。

    What better time than the holidays to look at how consumers — in the U.S. and around the world — spend their discretionary dollars (as opposed to outlays on necessities like food and housing).


  • 如果只是对珠宝皮大衣这样必需品征税,虽然征收少一些税收公平了,因为有钱人在纳税。

    If unnecessary things like jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is collected, but the tax is fairer because the rich pay it.


  • 7- 11公司表示过去一年里杂货销售已经跃升12 - 13 %,必需品手套玩具等只略有增加

    And 7-eleven says its grocery sales have jumped 12-13 percent over the past year, compared with only slight increases for non-necessities like gloves and toys.


  • 2月份通胀调整后得出的必需品消费额比去年增长了3.3%,相比食品住房医疗支出只增长了2.4%。

    In February, spending on non-essential stuff was up an inflation-adjusted 3.3% from a year earlier, compared to 2.4% for essential stuff such as food, housing and medicine.


  • 巴斯认为,据此可得出简明扼要的结论:不要买入销售简单必需品公司股票其股价已经常低廉,远低于公允价值。

    The simple conclusion, according to Buss: don't buy stock in those companies that sell simple discretionary items, except if you're going to go deep discount.


  • 消费者非必需品股票涨2010年的大盘,涨幅为32%,这表明,尽管多少担心西方消费需求萎靡不振,但是消费者对亚洲未来充满信心

    Consumer discretionary stocks led the charge in 2010, surging 32 percent, reflecting abundant confidence in Asia's prospects despite lingering worries about anemic demand in the West.


  • 孩子可能首先提及玩具要鼓励他们列出必需品比如衣食住方面,以及物质上的给予,比如乐趣关怀

    Children may first mention toys, but encourage them to list essentials like meals, shelter, clothing, and nonmaterial things like encouragement, love, fun and caring.


  • 正因为我们饮水付钱,多可以用来购买钻石生活必需品

    Because we do not have to worry about paying for water, this gives us money to pay for things like diamonds, that do not fall out of our faucets.


  • 奢侈品作为生活必需品具有悠久历史较高价值质量时空相对性特点

    As unnecessaries the luxury possess the trait of long history, high ratio of value and quality and the relativity of time and space.


  • 这些变化影响到手机笔记本电脑服装生活必需品销量

    The changes are hurting sales of "non-essential" products such as mobile phones, laptop computers and clothing.


  • 比如通过组织”,必需物品必需的物品分开必需品用量降低使用最低下限放在一个便利之处。

    For example, by "regular organization", the essential goods and non-essential items separately, will reduce the necessity to use the minimum amount of floor and put it in a convenient between.


  • 比如通过组织”,必需物品必需的物品分开必需品用量降低使用最低下限放在一个便利之处。

    For example, by "regular organization", the essential goods and non-essential items separately, will reduce the necessity to use the minimum amount of floor and put it in a convenient between.


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