Besides, the two theorems can also solve two large categories of problems about linear and nonlinear computational instability.
The results show that, in case of high-order dispersion, the positive and negative quintic nonlinearity also intensifies and weakens the cross-phase modulation instability, respectively.
The second variation, linear or nonlinear, gives the criteria of instability.
It is discovered that lateral ablation of electron conduction plays an important role in nonlinear evolution of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability with a longer wavelength.
It is found that the instability tends to become nonlinear saturation after, a short period of linear growth.
The method of singular Lyapunov's function is employed to study the singular nonlinear discrete systems, the theorem of stability and the theorem of no stability on it are given.
Modulation instability gain spectrum resulted from cross-phase modulation (XPM) in decreasing dispersion fiber (DDF) is presented from nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
The characteristic time for the formation of magnetic islands is much longer than that of nonlinear saturation of magnetic islands caused by the streaming tearing instability.
Nonlinear tearing mode instability is simple in space physics, and it is basic to research space physics.
Modulation instability in fiber grating with nonlinearity management is studied based on the nonlinear coupled-mode equations. The dispersion relation for modulation instability is obtained.
Due to the inherent nonlinearities and instability of the electromagnetic suspension system, suspension control is key point. So it is needed active control in order to keep steady suspension.
The set of RMHD equations is solved with use of split tricks to avoid possible numerical instabilities due to much coupling in solving the set of highly nonlinear equations.
The problem of practical instability of nonlinear systems is considered by means of the V-function method.
Magnetic levitation system is characterized by its instability, nonlinearity.
Modulation instability (MI) in single-mode optical fibers is investigated analytically and numerically using a modified nonlinear Schrdinger equation.
Spatiotemporal instability in the planar nonlinear dielectric waveguide is analyzed by nonlinear equation, and the expression of Modulation instability(MI) gain in Raman Scattering is obtained.
The major dynamics of a boiler include non-linearity, non-minimum phase behavior, instability, delay and load disturbance. The traditional control strategy could not offer satisfactory result.
Since 1970s, the nonlinear, the instability and theunbalance of the voltage have become more and more serious due to the electronic device and other nonlinear load in power network.
Since 1970s, the nonlinear, the instability and theunbalance of the voltage have become more and more serious due to the electronic device and other nonlinear load in power network.