Through the analysis of instances, the significance of generalization and genericity in object-oriented analysis and design is obviously shown.
Unified modeling Language (UML) has been DE facto standard for Object-Oriented analysis and design modeling.
His areas of interest include requirements management, object-oriented analysis and design for enterprise application architectures, and software process implementation.
At first, we limited the content of object-oriented reuse, mainly researched the support of object-oriented analysis and design.
When we develop systems by using object-oriented approach, rapid prototype is an ideal system development strategy.
Although there are many tools used in object-oriented analysis and design, UML has a broad application future in simulation field because of its powerful advantages.
In our first term, I had taught our object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) course, which is the second software engineering course that our students can take.
With the use of object oriented analysis, the timetable arranging system designed is characteristic of a stable structure, simple mantainence and easy reusing.
This paper aims at introducing object-oriented program language using SAS/AF with the concepts of OOA and OOD. And it also discusses how to achieve these concepts in SAS/AF language.
This paper aims at introducing object-oriented program language using SAS/AF with the concepts of OOA and OOD. And it also discusses how to achieve these concepts in SAS/AF language.