在Ada 中表达一个面向对象的设计
Object-oriented design experts advise us to program to interfaces.
So it's not surprising the component discovery process resembles object-oriented design. At the most general level, a component provides services relating either to.
In object-oriented design, there is a notation of visibility for attributes and operations.
With the help of a design method based on an object oriented approach an expert system for turbine stage design optimization has been studied and developed.
A new, object oriented design procedure has been put forward to realize this mill pacing controlling function.
One of the more powerful, and also overused, aspects of object-oriented design is inheritance.
It's object-oriented design, and they're calling it agile design, which it really, really isn't.
The goal of a use-case realization is to produce a well-structured object-oriented design for implementing behavior defined in the use case.
It takes CORBA as the core technique, adopts multi-layer distribution system structure and the design facing to the object.
This paper discusses the research of applying the object oriented idea into the expert system for the design.
At design time, you need to carefully choose which members to mark as static and avoid losing an object-oriented design.
The software use the object oriented design method, this assure the maintainability and extensibility of software.
According to OPC data access specification, develop OPC server program using MFC and object-oriented design patterns.
It can improve modeling level and efficiency adopting object-oriented design pattern in vehicle dynamics modeling.
The object-oriented design method is used during programming, and the objects' relations are described by the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
Adopting the object-oriented design method, the detail design of some modules is given, which includes use case design, concept model and sequence diagram.
In this paper, based on object-oriented technique, an applied arrow network model is studied and a component of arrow network tools is developed.
This is the beauty of object-oriented design; it allows experienced developers to constantly reuse code they have written, and save themselves quite a bit of time.
This can be better handled by applying techniques of object-oriented design to manage how individual J2EE component implementation classes and interfaces evolve.
Based on the analysis of the semiconductor device simulation procedure, this paper proposed a popular design method of the device simulation software.
A novel general multi-phase signal control method was presented based on the idea of object - (oriented) design to increase the efficiency of intersection signal control.
I think some of the influence [on agile development] was object-oriented design, when people [used]... incremental development, rather than trying to figure out [all the requirements a priori].
This paper illustrates the process of analysis and design of automatic train operation by use of object-oriented method, and completes the software design of this simulation system.
I try to take a close look at these in the book, with one chapter focusing largely on concurrency and object oriented design, which are essential to DI but that are often not associated as such.
In the process of system development, the system has been always using object-oriented analysis and design idea analyze the demand, and put the various functions to be object-oriented designed.
In this paper, laminating process was abstracted with object Oriented Programming method, and the object of process was optimized, and the total structure of optimize laminating system was designed.
The development process of MIS applications with object-oriented method is related to form design, data base subsystem design, associated design of foregrounding and backgrounding.
这类情况的一个典型的例子就是,使用UnifiedModelingLanguage (uml)将一个走到尽头的结构化的设计方法移植到一个面向对象的设计方法。
An example in this category is the migration from a structured design method for a tool facing end-of-life to an object-oriented design method using the Unified Modeling Language (UML).