• 拐弯抹角地提到领土争端

    He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.


  • 共和国领土属于全体巴西人民

    The republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people.


  • 政府否认任何领土叛乱者控制

    The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.


  • 这个国家设法扩张领土

    The country was trying to expand territorially.


  • 马其顿领土的争夺导致了巴尔干地区冲突

    Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans.


  • 惟一一个其他国家没有领土争端的共和国。

    It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.


  • 努纳武特领土三个地区组成。

    The territory of Nunavut consists of three regions.


  • 罗马人首要任务是组织开发保卫他们领土

    Roman priorities lay in the organization, exploitation, and defense of their territory.


  • 意味着游牧社会所占据影响领土面积非常

    It means that pastoralist societies occupy and can influence very large territories.


  • 尽管他们语言印地语有关,但他们的领土起源却模糊

    Though their language is related to Hindi, their territorial origins are misty.


  • 试图解释罗马现象时人们必须着重强调这种领土势力本能

    In trying to explain the Roman phenomenon, one would have to place great emphasis on this almost instinct for the territorial imperative.


  • 彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉沿着里海扩张领土牺牲土耳其人利益。

    Peter the Great expands territory beyond the Euro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.


  • 这场冲突使得罗马领土之外追踪敌方部落踪迹成为几乎可能的事。

    The conflict made it nearly impossible to track the activities of enemy tribes outside Roman territory.


  • 军事基地建立涉及到堡垒领土征用当地土地喂养训练士兵动物

    The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals.


  • 希腊世界沿着地中海航线扩张时,罗马世界是通过征服领土而建立起来的。

    While the Greek world had expanded along the Mediterranean seas lanes, the Roman world was assembled by territorial conquest.


  • 这个小小的岛国已经留出了占海洋领土80%50万平公里用于全面保护

    The tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometres—80 percent—of its maritime territory, for full protection.


  • 由于这场冲突,人们更难通过授予帝国头衔领土让步这两种方式换取和平了。

    The conflict made it more difficult to make peace through the process of granting imperial titles and territorial concessions.


  • 伊拉克人民明确表示,我们不会寻求伊保留军事基地,也不会觊觎领土资源

    I have made it clear to the Iraqi people that we pursue no basis and no claim on their territory or resources.


  • 罗马因此内部冲突分散注意力的时候,其他部落抓住机会进入了无人防卫的罗马领土

    While the Romans were thus distracted by internal conflict, other tribes seized the opportunity to cross into Roman territory unopposed.


  • 许多允许游客进入那里决定视为一项政治举动从而增强了圣地亚哥南极洲部分地区领土主权。

    Many people see the decision to allow tourists there as a political move, enhancing Santiago's territorial claim over part of Antarctica.


  • 世纪早期帝国已经失去了大约三分之二领土拥有了600年剩余土地正在遭受阿拉伯人和保加利亚人的袭击

    By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two-thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians.


  • 随着确保罗马边境安全所需资源增加罗马领导人之间就如何最好保护罗马领土入侵部落的侵扰这一问题产生了严重冲突

    As the resources needed to secure Rome's borders increased, serious conflicts developed among Roman leaders over how best to protect Roman territory against invading tribes.


  • 分裂活动国家领土完整威胁

    Separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.


  • 我们决定第三方领土上会晤

    We decided to meet on neutral ground.


  • 宪法禁止他们外国领土上的军事交战

    The constitution prohibits them from military engagement on foreign soil.


  • 美国军队继续驻留韩国领土依然是令这些学生极其恼怒事情。

    The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.


  • 帮助创建土耳其共和国是在帝国残存的领土建立起来

    The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire.


  • 与此同时俄罗斯北极部分领土地球工程计划包括种植数百万桦树

    Meanwhile, in the Russian Arctic, geoengineering plans include the planting of millions of birch trees.


  • 甚至公元前9-6世纪,在领土已经存在一个强大的国家称为乌拉尔图

    Even in the 9th-6th centuries BC there already was a powerful state called Urartu on its territory.


  • 双方继续争夺领土所有权

    The two sides continued to dispute the ownership of the territory.


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