Backup power could also be provided by linking wind farms with a solar cell, with conventional or pumped-storage hydropower, or with efficient natural-gas-burning turbines.
Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the power producing machines of wind farms.
He has just six minutes to convince them to approve his wind farm.
Piers has been developing wind farms in Africa, America, and Britain for over 15 years.
So many wind farms may eventually emit more carbon than an equivalent coal-fired power station.
The higher figure is three-fifths of the assumed 25-year lifetime of the wind farm.
It's much more reliable and much more adjustable for the smart grid, for solar energy and a variety of wind power plants.
Even though a wind farm is located nearby, the house does not have any electricity; former occupants used candles at night.
There are power plants of all types, all across the country, including an increasing number of wind farms, Shatkin notes.
According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold.
The energy electricity by the wind farms will not be used for Google's data centers, which consume huge amounts.
But Dongtan has been put on hold indefinitely and, save for the bridge-tunnel and a wind farm, close to nothing has been built.
The state also produces the second-most hydroelectric energy, and the eighth most non-hydroelectric alternative energy, mostly from state wind farms.
The study limits potential wind farm locations to rural, nonforested sites (both on land and offshore) with high wind speeds.
This year it signed contracts in the US to sell electricity from its wind farm in Iowa to the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Located roughly three miles off the coast of Atlantic city, N.J., the wind farm will have a production capacity of 25 megawatts when complete.
LTWP also has to construct a 266-mile transmission line and several substations to connect the windfarm to the national grid.
Build enough wind farms to replace fossil fuels, he says, and we could seriously deplete the energy available in the atmosphere, with consequences as dire as severe climate change.
Jobs for engineers and construction crews to create wind farms and solar plants that are going to double the renewable energy we can generate in this country.
Wind power plant that is a kind of distributed energy system, needs the good coordination and communication between components and electrical power grid system.
But researchers at the California Institute of Technology say the way fish school will help create more efficient designs for wind farms.
The power output of a wind power plant is stochastic, which is determined by the wind and wind turbine generators.
Wind power could then provide lights to keep algae growing underwater and during the nighttime hours — a fitting vision for the sustainable future of spaceship Earth.
If the project succeeds, the company estimates that there is the potential for the farm to generate a further 2, 700mw of power, some of which could be exported.
If the project succeeds, the company estimates that there is the potential for the farm to generate a further 2, 700mw of power, some of which could be exported.