• 这样过滤风险暴露唯一主人冒险用户管理人愿意

    Filtering risk in this way exposes only hosts to risks that the users or administrator is willing to take.


  • 是指由于未来市场价值变动可能引致信用风险暴露

    Credit exposure that may develop on an obligation due to possible changes in its market value.


  • 管理风险暴露哪些工具预付比例合格率

    What are the tools of managing your factoring exposure, i. e. advance ratio, eligibility ratio?


  • 全球信用不断膨胀背景,信用风险暴露越来越严重

    Under the background of fact that global credit is inflating constantly, the credit risks expose more and more serious.


  • 冰川冬季重新封冻能力变得越来越弱,促使越来越多的风险暴露来年

    The ice that does return in winter has tended to be thinner, prompting more profound exposure the following year.


  • 目前,我国已经进入了个人住房贷款风险暴露显现高危时期

    It is high time that the risk of personal housing loan was possible to appear.


  • 但是减少风险暴露通过生产过剩增加保险、增加现金,减少财务杠杆

    But try to have less downside exposure by building more slack into your system through redundancy, more insurance, more cash, and less leverage.


  • 有关关联交易贷款限额交易对手信用风险暴露规则有所提高

    There are enhanced rules on affiliate transactions, lending limits, and counterparty credit exposures.


  • 市值计价风险暴露金融产品当前市值计算信用风险暴露

    Mark-To-Market exposure refers to credit exposure calculated from instruments' current market values.


  • 主要金融机构使用衍生工具增加不是降低他们相互之间的风险暴露

    Major financial firms used derivatives to increase their credit exposure to each other, rather than decrease it.


  • 许多研究表明环境风险因素风险暴露会大大促进许多种癌症的发生。

    Many studies have shown that environmental risk factors and exposures contribute greatly to many cancers.


  • 公平地讲,货币市场基金已经削减麻烦欧洲国家银行上的风险暴露

    To be fair, money funds have cut their exposure to Banks in the most troubled European countries.


  • 准确地反映了贷款组合非违约风险暴露同时完善了银行的内部评级体系。

    The exposure to non-default risk of loan portfolio is reflected accurately, at the same time IRB of banks has been improved.


  • 随着利率市场化程度越来越商业银行利率风险暴露成为大量经验研究主题

    As the degree of interest rates liberalization getting deeper and deeper, interest rate risk exposure in commercial Banks has become the theme of many finance studies.


  • 此外安全改善因为女性需要收集木头经常频繁这一过程风险暴露他们进攻

    In addition, security is improved because women do not have to collect wood as frequently, a process that often exposes them to risk of assault.


  • 衡量体系跨国公司持有风险暴露之型态,分为折算风险、交易风险经济风险

    According to the mode which multinational corporations are exposed to exchange risks, the measurement system may be divided into conversion in exchange risks, transaction risks and economy risks.


  • 二者都减少了他们麻烦风险暴露可以召集令人满意资本额度并且拥有牢固流动资产

    Both have reduced their most troubling exposures; both can call on decent amounts of capital and strong pools of liquidity.


  • 一般来说,界面中的控件显示应该根据3个属性来组织,即使用频率混乱程度风险暴露程度

    In general, controls and displays should be organized in an interface according to three attributes: frequency of use, degree of dislocation, and degree of risk exposure.


  • 对于交易风险暴露资本金计算建立压力市场条件的基础上,证券化风险暴露的保证金将大幅度提高。

    Capital calculations for trading exposures will be based on stressed market conditions, and the charges for securitization exposures will be increased substantially.


  • 传统信用风险管理办法例如分散化银行贷款出售资产证券化提供控制信用风险暴露部分办法

    The conventional methods of managing credit risk, such as diversification, bank loan sales, and asset securitisation, offer only a partial solution to controlling credit risk exposure.


  • 第一巴塞尔iii引进一个新的国际通用的杠杆要求包括金融机构资产负债表外的义务风险暴露

    For the first time, Basel III will also be introducing a new, internationally applied, leverage ratio requirement that includes firms' off balance sheet commitments and exposures.


  • 通过对冲会计法金融市场对冲收益损失会计认可推延至基础风险暴露相应收益和损失得到认可之后

    Through hedge accounting, the accounting recognition of hedging profit and loss in the financial market can be delayed after the corresponding profit and loss exposed by basic risk are recognised.


  • 第二章:外汇经济风险暴露测量第二章讨论了外汇经济风险暴露测量的两种主要方法:敏感性分析法最小二乘法。

    In chapter two we discuss two methods to measure economic exposure: the sensitivity method and the least-squares estimation method.


  • 第三商业银行采用内部评级计量信用风险资本要求按照指引要求对商业银行银行账户信用风险暴露进行分类

    Article 3 a commercial bank using internal ratings to measure the credit risk capital requirement shall categorize the banking-book credit risk exposures of a commercial bank under these Guidelines.


  • 根据信用风险特征银行账户信用风险暴露分为主权风险暴露金融机构风险暴露零售风险暴露公司风险暴露股权风险暴露其他风险暴露

    According to the features of credit risks, the banking-book credit risk exposures shall be divided into sovereign, financial institution, retail, corporate, equity and other exposures.


  • 它们宁愿走几,每次只带回较少木料增加捕食者面前暴露风险

    They're willing to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产后,许多全球最大银行都曾担心出现糟糕的情况,因为房地产泡沫破裂暴露它们风险贷款方面的投资

    After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.


  • 科技融入我们生活这么多方面另一面我们着将个人信息暴露网络罪犯风险

    The flip side of integrating technology into so many aspects of our lives is that we run the risk of exposing our private information to cyber criminals.


  • SSRM帮助处理SOA安全需求由于服务操作组织边界松散耦合增加了风险漏洞暴露,从而导致了这些安全需求。

    The SSRM helps to address the security requirements of the SOA due to increased exposure to risks and vulnerabilities of loose coupling of the services and operations across organizational boundaries.


  • SSRM帮助处理SOA安全需求由于服务操作组织边界松散耦合增加了风险漏洞暴露,从而导致了这些安全需求。

    The SSRM helps to address the security requirements of the SOA due to increased exposure to risks and vulnerabilities of loose coupling of the services and operations across organizational boundaries.


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