• 大气气候-提高畜牧饲料作物生产效率

    Atmosphere and climate - increasing the efficiency of livestock production and feed crop agriculture.


  • 玉米我国重要粮食和饲料作物

    Maize is an important crop in China.


  • 豌豆甘肃中部干旱地区重要轮作、粮食饲料作物

    The pea is an important rotation food and a forage crop in the central arid region of Gansu.


  • 称为灌水垄沟用于不中耕的粮食作物饲料作物

    Small furrows known as corrugations are used for uncultivated grain and forage crops.


  • ——能源价格上涨使生物燃料作物饲料作物倍受追捧

    Higher energy prices, which makes biofuels profitable and crops that feed them more sought after. Higher oil prices also boosts farm production costs, such as diesel.


  • 饲料作物生产清理开垦土地,为畜牧生产扩大牧场,成为毁林动力之一

    Clearing of land for feed crop production and expansion of pastures for livestock production has been one of the driving forces behind deforestation.


  • 玉米作为重要粮食和饲料作物中国农业上起着极为重要作用

    Maize takes very important role in agriculture of China, as it's one of the important cerealand silage crops.


  • 紫花苜蓿比较盐的一种牧草饲料作物种植轻度盐碱地上。

    Alfalfa is higher salt-tolerant forage. It can be grown on the mild saline and alkaline land.


  • 漫灌用于灌溉饲料作物有时也用于平坦的土地灌溉粒谷物

    Wild flooding is used to irrigate forage crops and sometimes small grains on uneven topography.


  • 研究雁门关农牧交错带不同一年生牧草饲料作物草地产草量。

    The yield of the annual forage and feed crops mixture grassland in agro-pastoral transitional zone of Yanmenguan region in Shanxi was studied.


  • 研究雁门关农牧交错带不同一年生牧草饲料作物草地产草量。

    Effect of the annual forage and feed crops mixture at different rate and sow methods in the Shanxi region of agro-pastoral transitional zone was studied.


  • 主要污染物动物粪便抗生素激素制革厂化学品用于饲料作物化肥杀虫剂

    The major polluting agents are animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, chemicals from tanneries, fertilizers and the pesticides used to spray feed crops.


  • 大麦作为啤酒生产主要原料一种优良的饲料作物我国具有很大发展潜力

    Barley has great development potential as feed crop and main raw material for beer production in China.


  • 决明属牧草既是重要饲料作物,又土壤改良水土保持多方面发挥着积极作用

    As important forage crops, legumes of the genus Chamaecrista play an important role on soil improvement, water and soil conservation, etc.


  • 玉米四川主要粮食作物又是重要饲料作物适于深加工获得多种产品的经济作物

    Maize is a major grain crop in Sichuan Province and also an important feed crop and a cash crop suitable for the deep processing into various products.


  • 而广辟饲料资源种植牧草饲料作物代替部分饲料,以上述措施基础关键

    Exploiting feed resources, and planting grasses and forage crops which substitute some cereal-grains feed are keys of those ways above.


  • 家庭牧场林业应有主体防护林区饲料林区,间接受益防护林区,受益饲草饲料作物区划

    Family owned pasture forestry should be made up of the main division zones of main body shelter forest, forage forest, indirect benefitial shelter forest, and benefitial forage crops.


  • 因此培育低温干旱、盐碱以及消化转基因饲料作物创造巨大的经济社会效益

    Therefore, fostering transgenic feedstuff crops with high digestion rate and resistance to low temperature, drought, salt can make tremendous economical and social benefit.


  • 土壤盐分玉米籽粒产量的影响远大于对物质形成的影响,因此盐碱地适宜种植饲料作物

    Soil salinity affected on crop grain yield more seriously than on dry matter formation, so saline soil is more suitable to growth of forage crops.


  • 十字花科植物300多个属中最为重要一个属,它包括许多重要的蔬菜、油料饲料作物

    Brassica is the most important and one of the largest genera, consisting of more than 300 families, of Cruciferae plants.


  • 草根这样就会毁坏饲料作物而且它们体重也会压碎土壤,这可能造成土地硬化植被无法生长。

    Cattle can damage forage crops by eating down to the roots. Also, their weight crushes the soil. That can make the ground too hard for growing.


  • 玉米主要粮食饲料作物经济地位十分重要,玉米杂种优势利用作物杂种优势利用成功例证之一

    Maize was one of the most important food and feed crops with important economic significance, and the utilization of maize heterosis was one of the most successful examples in crops.


  • 堪萨斯州西南部,曾经的短草牧场因为圆形饲料作物田地点缀而变得斑驳起来,整张图片宛如幅美妙的现代艺术作品

    Resembling a work of modern art, variegated green crop circles cover what was once shortgrass prairie in south-western Kansas.


  • 现代饲料衍生干草、牧草等饲料作物人类食品加工产物以及过剩作物。家畜的大部分饮食即含这些来源的混合饲料

    Modern feeds are derived from crops grown specifically for research or from by-products of surplus crops or foods produced for human consumption.


  • 披碱草属包含许多作为饲料作物提高谷类作物牧草质量方面具有很大潜力,而且研究小麦进化具有生物学意义

    Many species of Elymus can be used as fodder crops. While enhancing the quality of cereal crops and pasture, Elymus has biological significance in the study of Triticeae evolution.


  • 肉类奶制品生产占用地球30%的陆地面积,70%的农业用地,使用8%的人类用水,这些主要用于饲料作物的灌溉。

    Meat and dairy production use 30% of the earth's land surface, 70% of agricultural land and account for 8% of the water humans use, mostly to irrigate feed crops.


  • 多倍体饲料作物育种上可使植物细胞增大而导致植株、高大、叶片宽厚并且使植株蛋白糖分维生素矿物质含量较大提高

    Feed crop breeding by polyploidy can enlarge the plant cellular size, so the plant has the thick and high stem, thick blade, and increases the content of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.


  • 多倍体饲料作物育种上可使植物细胞增大而导致植株、高大、叶片宽厚并且使植株蛋白糖分维生素矿物质含量较大提高

    Feed crop breeding by polyploidy can enlarge the plant cellular size, so the plant has the thick and high stem, thick blade, and increases the content of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.


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