• 围绕“金斯蒂法诺打造的皇家马德里俱乐部急于证明自己值得家乡所骄傲。

    The Real Madrid, which he created around the Blond Arrow Di Stefano, were eager to prove that they were worthy of their impressive home.


  • 帮助球队夺得西甲联赛冠军马德里俱乐部前锋鲁德•范•尼斯特尔·鲁伊位居第六

    After helping Real Madrid win the Spanish league title, striker Ruud van Nistelrooy was sixth.


  • 皇家马德里俱乐部召开新闻发布会正式宣布下一赛季起由豪尔赫·巴尔达诺担任教练

    Real Madrid summoned a press conference to formally announce that Jorge Valdano will take over as coach next season.


  • 2003年贝克·汉姆转会到皇家马德里俱乐部齐达内菲戈劳尔卡洛斯一起踢球。

    Beckham moved on to Real in 2003, where he played alongside the likes of Zinedine Zidane, Luis Figo, Raul and Roberto Carlos.


  • 小贝曼联马德里俱乐部效力期间市场价值球员之一,如今的23银河队球衣成为销售排行上的冠军。

    One of soccer's most marketable players during his time with Manchester United and Real Madrid, Beckham has already made his number 23 Galaxy shirt the biggest seller.


  • 戴卫·德贝·克汉姆,世界著名足球运动员将要离开皇家马德里俱乐部签约美国队- - -洛杉矶银河

    David Beckham, who is the world's most famous football player is leaving his club, Real Madrid, to sign for the American team, la Galaxy.


  • 关于神奇伯纳乌球场故事,就不得不提她的所有者皇家马德里俱乐部-2000年国际足球联盟授予“世纪俱乐部”的称号。

    The story of the mythical Santiago Bernabeu Stadium leads inevitably to the history of its regal owners, Real Madrid, an institution which in 2000 was recognised by FIFA as the Club of the Century.


  • 现年29岁贝克汉姆4日接受《马卡报》记者采访时表示:“在足球领域永远也无法预测将要发生的事情,依然认为作为运动员,我还可以更多的奉献,并愿意继续在世界最棒俱乐部之一——皇家马德里俱乐部效力。 我希望能这里多呆几年,只要皇马还要我。”

    In football you can never tell what's going to happen, but I still think that I've got a lot to give as a player and I would like to continue at one of the best clubs in the world - Real Madrid.


  • 以上这些这些俱乐部都效力过,并且曾经介绍皇家马德里巴塞罗那

    All those clubs, and yet he was touted to play for Real Madrid or Barcelona.


  • 能够协商谈判他们球队比赛转播权的皇家马德里巴塞罗那俱乐部每年曼联要多数十美金

    Real Madrid and Barcelona, which can negotiate their own television deals, earn tens of millions of dollars more than Manchester United each year.


  • “银河战队皇家马德里足球俱乐部刚刚战胜德甲的勒沃库森一举夺得欧洲冠军杯奖杯

    Soccer powerhouse Real Madrid had just beaten Germany's Bayer Leverkusen to win Europe's Champions League Cup.


  • 并没有遏制勃勃雄心:他宣布将改造升级伯纳乌球场俱乐部马德里训练场旁迪斯尼风格主题公园建筑

    But he isn "t throttling back his ambitions: he announced an upgrade of the Bernabeu stadium and the construction of a Disney-style theme park at the club" s training grounds in Madrid.


  • 但是俱乐部英镑收入转化欧元时,比不上马德里的三亿六千六百万欧元了。

    But once the club's sterling income was translated into euros, it fell short of Madrid's euro 366m.


  • 没有任何合同摆在我们面前。切尔西一个出色的俱乐部但是决定前往皇家马德里那里快乐。

    It was said he was offered a new contract but that never happened. Chelsea are a great club but Arjen decided he would be happier at Real Madrid.


  • 梅西赛季开了一个好头,已经打入9个进球上周日凭借绝佳表现帮助他所在的俱乐部以1比0打败劲敌皇家马德里

    Messihad a good start to this season - already scoring nine goals - and puton a great display to help his club defeat archrival Real Madrid 1-0last Sunday.


  • 很多欧洲足球俱乐部经理十分羡慕皇家马德里超级巨星。

    The managers of many European football clubs are very envious of the superstars _____________________________ of Real Madrid.


  • 如果能够皇家马德里俱乐部工作我会深感光荣。

    I would be honoured to work in a club like Real Madrid.


  • 先说一些俱乐部切尔西马德里去切尔西。

    He said a few clubs, Chelsea, Madrid, and I am glad to be here now.


  • 马德里坎比亚索从来不显山不露水,主要归咎于西班牙俱乐部根本明白防守价值。

    At Madrid Cambiasso was never appreciated and had few chances to shine, mainly due to the fact that the Spanish public in general simply do not understand the virtues of defence.


  • 有意者立即俱乐部联络联络人巴尔达诺良木而栖,置信皇家马德里阐扬才干最佳场合

    Interested parties please contact immediately with the club, contact: Valdano Good birds greener pastures, I believe that Real Madrid will be your ability to play the best place!


  • 众所周知,皇家马德里世界上成功俱乐部之一因其豪华的阵容光辉的战绩蜚声国际。

    The Real Madrid, as known by millions of people, is one of the most dynamic football clubs, which features a bunch of brilliant players and glorious trophies.


  • 曼城皇家马德里两种不同俱乐部拥有不同的情况。

    Manchester City and Real Madrid are two different clubs with different situations.


  • 由于糟糕表现和与包括主教练卡佩罗在内的俱乐部高层不断争吵意大利国脚打算一月离开皇家马德里,而正是罗马转会而来满的时候。

    The Italian international is set to leave Real Madrid in January, just a year after his arrival from Roma, due to poor form and repeated rows with the club hierarchy, including Coach Fabio Capello.


  • 轻松邀请朋友家人加入皇马俱乐部获赠我们送达贵府的精美皇家马德里太阳帽。

    Simply for inviting a friend or family member to join the club you'll receive at home this fantastic Halamadrid cap.


  • 马德里卡马乔加莱戈……俱乐部清楚地了解了义务什么。

    Madrid had Camacho, Gallego... The Club made it clear what my obligations were.


  • 马德里卡马乔加莱戈……俱乐部清楚地了解了义务什么。

    Madrid had Camacho, Gallego... The Club made it clear what my obligations were.


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