• 无缝管担当起开发技术附加值产品的重任。

    The seamless pipe is produced as high additional value product.


  • 我们应当开发当前大量进口附加值产品

    We should develop high value-added products which need to be imported in a large number at present.


  • 无机凝胶润土附加值产品各行业都广泛应用

    Inorganic gel is a kind of high value product made from bentonite, which has a wide application in every walk of life.


  • 研究一种玉米制淀粉废水中提取附加值产品的新工艺

    A technique was studied for extracting calcium phytate, a product with high added value from wastewater in the production of starch with corns.


  • 农业生产有限粮食附加值商品转变高附加值产品生产

    Agricultural production has changed from generating a narrow range of food and low-value grain commodities to high-value products.


  • 低温浮法产生中性可以直接用作肥料或进一步提取高附加值产品

    The neutral filtering mud produced in the low-temperature phosphor floating method can be directly used as fertilizer.


  • 可以诸多领域应用,尤其是制备有机润土等高附加值产品优质原料

    It is a quality material such as preparation of organo bentonite GCL and so on.


  • 公司始终开发生产技术含量品质附加值产品作为品牌战略定位

    The company has always regarded the development of high-tech manufacturing, high quality and high value-added products as the strategic positioning of the brand.


  • 满足转炉冶炼汽车石油管线附加值产品要求达到满意冶金效果

    The requirements of auto plates and oil piping steels smelted in converter with high added value are met and the satisfied metallurgy results are reached.


  • 我们利佩茨克工厂维兹工厂里使用热轧钢板生产冷轧板卷和其他附加值产品

    We use hot-rolled steel to produce cold rolled coils and other high-value added products at the Lipetsk plant and VIZ-Stal.


  • 过去年中宝钢完成兼并收购战略,附加值产品竞争力

    The steel giant has completed several mergers and acquisitions over the past two years to boost competitive edge for high value-added steel products.


  • 加大了尾矿综合利用程度二次资源开发生产附加值产品开辟条途径

    It not only strength the complex utilization degree of tailing, but also open up a path for exploit of secondary resource and product high added value production.


  • 二胺具有化学活性精细中间体医药中间体,可以开发一系列附加值产品

    Ethylenediamine has chemical activities as intermediates of fine chemical and medicine, which is widely used to derive a series of products with high value.


  • 本文综述近期通过生物技术手段开发马铃薯淀粉高附加值产品及其工艺研究进展

    This article reviews the recent research progress on the development of value-added products and techniques of potato starch residue by biotechnological means.


  • 末端轻压下技术减少中心偏析有效产品质量生产附加值产品重要意义

    It is concluded that this technology is effective to abate central segregation, improve quality of product, produce high value added product.


  • 虚拟医院数字化医院阶段重要特征附加值产品,是实现区域协同医疗基础

    Virtual hospital is the important characteristic and high value-added product made from high grade digital hospital, it is the basis to realize regional collaborative medical care.


  • 工艺帮助酒精生产企业大幅附加值产品纯度降低成本能耗经济效益

    Furthermore, this technique can help alcohol plants heighten the purity of byproduct, cut costs and energy sources, and promote the economic benefits as well.


  • 论述啤酒厂废弃酵母开发利用,针对啤酒工业中利用啤酒酵母开发附加值产品进行综述。

    Discussed with emphasis on development and utilization of discarded yeast in brewery, and developing product with high added value by using beer yeast in beer industry was reviewed.


  • 概述了NKK钢铁公司近年来一系列附加值产品最新研发动态,涉及汽车、电工钢产品

    The status of research and development of high additional value products, such as car sheet and silicon sheet in NKK is introduced.


  • 例如如果中国需要进口飞机高附加值产品比较细致地做出更好选择波音还是空客

    For example, if China need import airplane etc, high added-value products, it will compare and make a better choice carefully, Boeing or Airbus?


  • 硫铁矿直接生产质量精矿不但实现资源综合利用可以生产附加值产品

    Production of high quality pyrite concentrate from pyrite resources directly can not only achieve comprehensive utilization of sulfur and iron, but also produce high value-added products.


  • 日本出口技术密集附加值产品的同时,东盟进口初级产品比重减少制成品进口比重迅速增加

    While exporting to ASEAN high added value technology-intensive products, Japan has cut down its import from ASEAN of primary products and rapidly increased the import of finished products.


  • 发酵加工过程被广泛应用微生物培养物酶制剂调味剂香料食品添加剂以及其他一系列附加值产品生产

    Fermentation processing is also widely applied in the production of microbial cultures, enzymes, flavours, fragrances, food additives and a range of other high value-added products.


  • 没有任何国家拥有HACCP和欧盟认证的产业,而它将更好地定位生产现成食品其他高附加值产品

    No other country has a HACCP-and E. U. -certified shrimp industry that is better positioned to produce prepared meals and other value-added products.


  • 本文肉制品开发方面进行探讨,着重对鸽肉水解液鸽肉超微粉高附加值产品开发方面进行研究

    The researches and developments of dove meat were discussed, and the added-value products such as hydrolyzate and superfined pow - der etc. were mainly studied in the paper.


  • 本文对肉制品开发方面进行探讨,着重对鸽肉水解液鸽肉超微粉高附加值产品开发方面进行研究

    The researches and developments of dove meat were discussed, and the added-value products such as hydrolyzate and superfined pow- der etc.


  • 本文对肉制品开发方面进行探讨,着重对鸽肉水解液鸽肉超微粉高附加值产品开发方面进行研究

    The researches and developments of dove meat were discussed, and the added-value products such as hydrolyzate and superfined pow- der etc.


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