• 尤其利于鸟儿辨识方向,以上几点原因使这里成为鸟类迁徙中途栖息地

    Sea and mountain are markers that make it easy for birds to recognize directions when they fly.? For this reason, this area has become a stopover for migratory birds.


  • 闽江河口地处南亚热带气候温暖,滩涂食物丰富每年鸟类迁徙期间,均有大量水禽在此越冬停歇

    Minjiang estuary situates at South Asia tropic, with warm climate and abundant food in low beach. each year during the migratory period, thousands of water birds winter or rest here.


  • 虽然以色列科学家只鸟鸟类迁徙研究一部分,但当地居民告诉沙特媒体可能是“犹太复国主义者阴谋”的一部分。

    While Israeli scientists say the bird was part of a migration study, local residents told the Saudi media that it was most likely part of a "Zionist plot."


  • 新泽西普林斯顿大学生态学家Martin Wikelski虽然对于鸟类迁徙我们已经知道很多,但是昆虫迁徙仍然知之甚少。

    Although much is known about how birds migrate, insect migration is more mysterious, says ecologist Martin Wikelski of Princeton University in New Jersey.


  • 2004年春季形目鸟类迁徙中转停留,实地调查位于上海东部沿岸10个调查点,研究滩涂生境指标鸻形目鸟类群落关系。

    In spring, 2004, during shorebird migratory season, a survey on the shorebird community and tidal flat environment was carried out in 10 research sites along the coastline.


  • 大多数鸟类不得不飞行很长的距离进行迁徙

    Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.


  • 季节性迁徙另一逃避方式,特别是大型哺乳动物鸟类来说尤为如此。

    Seasonal migration is another form of escape, especially for large mammals or birds.


  • 它们导致一些鸟类放弃迁徙

    They have led some birds to give up on migration.


  • 鸟类长途迁徙飞行之前,大量的食物喂肥自己

    Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight.


  • 回答这些问题不仅需要弄清野生鸟类迁徙途径,还需要弄清它们是否携带潜伏大型养殖场中的病毒

    Those studying the disease needed to know where wild birds were migrating and whether they carried the virus from its incubation points in large duck and chicken farms.


  • 实验表明蓝光鸟类可以按照正常迁徙路线飞行,在黄光红光中则不到因此其中的关联值得探讨。

    It has been shown experimentally that birds can align themselvesto their normal migration routes in blue light but have trouble doing so inyellow or red, so the link seemed worth pursuing.


  • 目前尚无关于尼日利亚疫情暴发源头明确信息但是已知该国位于鸟类中亚迁徙飞行路线

    No clear information about the source of the Nigerian outbreak is presently available, but the country is known to lie along a flight route for birds migrating from central Asia.


  • 图书馆挑选这些书籍:《鸟类迁徙》,《城市结构》,还有一本,最让我兴奋不已:《钟楼里的蝙蝠怪异建筑快乐召唤》。

    I pick them up at the library: Migration Habits of Birds, Urban Structures, and one that I was particularly excited about: Bats in the Belfry: a Joyous Evocation of Architectural Eccentricity.


  • 鸟者观察各种新的物种,从中他们不止能认识不同种,学到关于迁徙鸟类行为学、食性、求爱还有鸟类领地的知识。

    As birders observe new species, they not only learn about different birds, but they also learn about migration, bird behavior, feed preferences, courtship and bird territories.


  • 细胞导航工具指引下鸟类可以进行跨越全球的迁徙而不必担心迷失方向。如今,科学家们正比以往更加接近理解其中的奥秘。

    Scientists are coming ever closer to understanding the cellular navigation tools that guide birds in their unerring, globe-spanning migrations.


  • 这里还是世界上重要的候鸟栖息地10迁徙路线从经过。一些濒危鸟类物种提供生衍繁息之所。

    It is also an important habitat for migratory birds for the world's 10 flyways, supporting some endangered species of migratory birds Photograph: Jacky Chen/Reuters


  • 研究同时发现有些鸟类筑巢迁徙习惯也有所改变,为了觅食,它们需要飞行更多距离。

    The survey also found that birds were altering their nesting and migration patterns, and travelling further to find food.


  • 其它迁徙鸟类一样,沙锥鸟需要飞行很长的距离但是它们如何如此长距离的飞行中睡觉或者只睡很少的觉,原因不明确。

    As with other migratory birds that fly long distances, it's unclear how great snipes can apparently fly for such long periods with little or no sleep.


  • 一些迁徙水鸟如斑头雁和红麻鸭,会涌卡兹兰加湿地这里的斑嘴鹈鹕黑颈鹤等常驻鸟类一起度过整个冬季;

    Migratory waterbirds, from bar-headed geese to ruddy shelducks, crowd into Kaziranga wetlands over the winter with spot-billed pelicans and black-necked storks.


  • 位环保主义者认为,大楼如此会危及喜欢夜间迁徙鸟类安全,因为飞鸟完全可能”地一声撞冷不丁出现的障碍物上。

    Such tall buildings, a conservationist there protested, would interfere with the night migration of birds, which would bang into the unexpected obstructions.


  • 物种迁徙的时间以前提早一些欧洲鸟类30年前提早23个星期迁徙蝙蝠会提早冬眠醒来

    Migrations are also happening sooner, with some European birds arriving 2 to 3 weeks earlier than 30 years before, and migratory bats are waking up from hibernation before their time.


  • 候鸟就像那些冬季迁徙更温暖环境鸟类。雪候鸟冬天北部各州逃往南部西南地区

    Snowbirds are like some birds in that they move to warmer climates in the winter months. Snowbirds flee northern states in the winter for the South or Southwest.


  • 湿地需要考虑合理围垦过度围垦不但直接破坏动物生存而且威胁到迁徙鸟类食物来源栖息地

    Excessive reclamation on Dongtan wetland not only affects the survival of the benthic fauna, but also damages the habitats and food source of migrant birds.


  • 我们可以这样认为保护利用洞庭湖、保护好迁徙鸟类不仅中国的事情,而且应该成为国际共同关注的领域。

    We can assume that it should be a highlight in protecting and harnessing the Dongting Lake and different species of birds not only in China but the world as a whole.


  • 所有好的观鸟发现记录一个笔记本电脑这样可以追踪物种,他以前从未见过这些鸟类迁徙

    Like all good bird-watchers, he records every sighting in a notebook so he can track which species he has not seen before and which birds are migrating.


  • 环志研究鸟类季节性迁徙重要手段之一,同时也是研究鸟类区系、生态学形态分类学等的有效方法

    Bird banding is one of the important means to research the seasonal migration of birds, and is an effective method in researching the faunas, ecology and morphology of birds.


  • 迁徙中途停歇生态学研究有利于更好地了解鸟类迁徙规律及行为,更加有效地保护迁徙鸣禽种类。

    Further research on stopover ecology is urgently needed in China for a better understanding of the behavior and for the conservation of these songbird migrants.


  • 洞庭湖鄱阳湖同时大约300多种鸟类栖息地包括一些濒临灭绝的迁徙鸟类;它们还是许多鱼类哺乳动物两栖类和爬行类动物的乐园。

    Both lakes contain habitat for about 300 species of bird, including endangered migrants like cranes and storks, as well as fish, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.


  • 洞庭湖鄱阳湖同时大约300多种鸟类栖息地包括一些濒临灭绝的迁徙鸟类;它们还是许多鱼类哺乳动物两栖类和爬行类动物的乐园。

    Both lakes contain habitat for about 300 species of bird, including endangered migrants like cranes and storks, as well as fish, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.


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