外出基本上都是要钱(Money)而回来的,其次无论是逢年过节都不回家(Do not go home),你笑,全世界都跟你笑;你哭,全世界只有你一个人哭。
今晚不回家 (i aint going home tonight) 今晚不回家 (i aint going home tonight) 2013-9-6
今天不回家 Tonight Nobody Goes Home ; Accidental Trio ; Not Go Home ; Not Going Home Today
下班不回家 Hangout
爱上一个不回家的人 Live at Fallsview Casino ; Home Again Without You ; Loving For The Wanderer ; DJ Aaren Rmx
要不回家 go big or go home
不回家的人 Don't Go Home ; loving for the wanderer
经常不回家 Often do not go home ; Frequently back ; often failed to return home
收件人不回家 Delivery attempted ; recipient not home
今晚不回家 I ain't going home tonight
他从不回家 And he never comes home
When he was a pilot, he once did not come back home for half a year during a mission.
I tell you, I'm going to find this place now, if I stay out all night.
So, let me just read you this poem, it is short, and it's a Brecht poem and it's called "A Worker Reads History." And then you can go home, or go shop, shop till you drop, whatever.