原来胡迪是50年代最有名的组合玩具胡迪牛仔秀的大明星,艾尔预备将胡迪与其他与丝绸之路(Legend of Silkroad)与胡迪同组的玩具们运往日本的玩具博物馆,其中包括,老矿工、胡迪警长座骑以及女牛仔。于是胡迪终于与失散已久的同伴们团圆。
汗一下下哦 ,今天突然想听听喜多郎早期的音乐专辑,于是便找出了theme from silk road (丝绸之路),偶一听,当时就有想哭的感觉,好熟悉的音乐,06年时的点点滴滴历历在目。
绿色丝绸之路 Silk Road of Green Development ; Silk Road of green development ; a green Silk Road
21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ; the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ; 21st-century Maritime Silk Road; Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century ; st Century Maritime Silk Road
海上丝绸之路 Maritime Silk Road ; the ancient Maritime Silk Road
丝绸之路精神 the Silk Road spirit ; the Spirit of the Silk Road; the Silk Road spirit
智力丝绸之路 Silk Road of innovation ; Silk Road of Innovation
和平丝绸之路 Silk Road of Peace ; Silk Road of peace
健康丝绸之路 Silk Road of health cooperation ; Silk Road of Health Cooperation
丝绸之路经济带 Silk Road Economic Belt ; the Silk Road Economic Belt ; SREB
“丝绸之路经济带” a Silk Road Economic Belt ; the Silk Road Economic Belt
Introduces the Silk Route opened by Zhangqian,and the great exchanges of dress culture between China and West Regions represented by Byzantiam along twis route during the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
介绍了汉时张骞开辟的丝绸之路以及通过这条丝路 ,魏晋南北朝与当时的西域及以拜占廷为代表的西方进行的服饰文化交流。
参考来源 - 东服西走 西服东移——魏晋南北朝中外服饰文化交流·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress