His major challenge will be expanding Sony Ericsson to compete with the industry's heavy-hitters while maintaining the delicate relationship of the joint venture.
西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。
The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9,500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.
西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。
The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9, 500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.