... we'll stop here today.今天就到此结束。人人英语社区 time is up .时间到了。 so much for today.今天就到这 ...
我们今天就到这儿吧 Let's call it a day
今天就到这儿吧 Right here today ; Here today ; Today's myself here ; let's call it a day
今天就到这里吧 Today these words ; That's all for now ; Today we are here
今天就到这儿 that's all for today ; call it today
今天就到这里 let's call it a day
今天就到这里了 candied haws on a stick
今天就到这儿了 thats all for today
今天就讲到这里 that's all for today
今天就写到这 Today wrote that ; For today this ; Write this today
.. I'm afraid that's all we have time for... Thank you so much, professor... -Thank you.
I want to derive the last result in another way, then I will stop, and that's pretty interesting because it tells you the use and abuse of calculus.
让我用其他方法解答最后一个问题,然后今天就到这 这是一个挺有意思的题,因为它展示了微积分的正确用法和错误用法