[侨] 拼音:qiáo (ㄑㄧㄠˊ) 形声。字从人从乔,乔亦声。 繁体:侨 郑码:NMGN,U:4FA8,GBK:C7C8 笔画数:8,部首:亻,笔顺编号:32313432 五笔86&98:WTDJ 仓颉:OHKL 区位码:3940 笔顺编号:32313432 四角号码:22228 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+4FA8
海外侨胞 overseas Chinese ; overseas Chinese nationals
归侨 overseas Chinese nationals who have returned to China ; returned migrants ; returnees
华侨银行 OCBC ; Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation ; Oversea-Chinese Banking ; Bank of Overseas Chinese
侨眷 the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who themselves live in China ; relatives
也门撤侨 evacuation of Chinese nationals from Yemen
华侨华人 overseas Chinese
侨务政策 the policy on overseas Chinese affairs
利比亚撤侨 evacuation of Chinese nationals from Libya
苗侨伟 Michael Miu ; Kiu Wai Miu ; Michael Miu Kiu Wai ; Miu Kiu Wai
也门撤侨行动 evacuation mission in Yemen