“先天”是个多义词,它可以指先天(汉语词汇), 先天(唐玄宗年号), 先天(中医术语)。
adj. congenital ; innate ; inborn
先天综合判断 synthetic a priori judgement ; synthetic a priori judgement; Synthetische Urteile a posteriori ; synthetic a priori judgment
先天分析判断 analytic a priori judgment; Analytisches Urteil a priori ; analytic a priori judgment
先天论 nativism; innatism ; innateness hypothesis ; nativist approach ; apriorism
先天与后天 nature versus nurture ; nature-nurture ; Nature and Nurture
先天性心脏病 [内科] congenital heart disease ; CHD ; Congenital heart defect ; congenital cardiovascular disease
先天性 congenital ; congenital hemangioma ; inborn
先天性风疹综合征 congenital rubella syndrome ; CRS ; classical congenital rubella syndrome
先天免疫系统 innate immune system ; immune system ; innate immune responses
There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.
One kind of response is called the innate response and innate means that it's present from the beginning.
In fact, the people who have been most important in understanding how the innate immune system works are people here at Yale.
事实上 在研究先天免疫系统,反应机理中,最重要的科学家就在耶鲁
We learned about cognitive neuroscience using the study of face recognition as an important case study-- human differences, behavioral genetics, nature and nurture, sex and food.