冢,zhǒng,从勹(bāo)、豖(chù)声。高坟也。音亍。 豖(chù)与豕(shi,公猪)不同。豖,是豕绊足行。 (1) 形声。从勹(bāo),豖( chù)声。冖,表地覆盖。将死者覆盖于墓中,故从冖。本义:高而大的坟。 (2) 同本义 [burial mound] 通“冢”同“冢”注音:ㄓㄨㄥˇ部首:冖,部外笔画:8,总笔画:10五笔86:PEYU五笔98:PGEY仓颉:BMSO郑码:WWGS笔顺编号:4513533434四角号码:37232UniCode:CJK
饭冢雅弓 Mayumi Iizuka ; Iizuka Mayumi ; Mayumi Iizuka ....Haribo ; Mayumi Iizuka ....Kasumi
手冢治虫 Tezuka Osamu ; Osfeelu Tezuka ; Osin the morningu Tezuka
饭冢市 Iizuka
鬼冢承次 Ellison Onizuka
冢原光男 Mitsuo Tsukahara
贝冢 midden ; shell mound ; shell heap ; kitchen middln
冢本高史 Takashi Tsukamoto ; Takashi Tsukamoto ....Yuji Igarashi
大冢宁宁 Nene Otsuka ; Otsuka Nene ; ---------Yuiko Murasawa
名冢佳织 Kaori Nazuka ; Lynette Bishop ; eureka
Once he received his degree, Knight traveled to Japan to contact the Onitsuka Tiger Company, a manufacturer of athletic shoes.
One day, they accidentally heard on the radio the story about the dolmens on the Caucausus and decided to go there.
Let's look at what is, for me, the most gripping example of this kind of poem: "Home Burial," on page 204.
In short, the only thing to do in life is to provide, and provide is just what you cannot ever adequately do, as the husband in "Home Burial" knows.
This is where I grow up in Hiratsuka, Japan Hiratsuka is about one hour by train from Tokyo.