生物课竟然也有创造性写作(Creative Writing):结合线粒体的功能编一个有情节的故事。刚开始写的时候也很抓狂,觉得能写到一页就不错了。
创造性写作和英语 Creative Writing and English
创造性写作研究生文凭 Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing
创造性写作研究生证书 Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing
英语和创造性写作 English and Creative Writing
创造性写作硕士 M.A. Creative Writing
创造性和批判性写作 Creative and Critical Writing
创造性的非小说写作 creative nonfiction writing
创造性专业英语写作 english with creative writing specialization
It seems to me that creative writing is a process of recalibration, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.
When a creative writing class at his community college was full, he enrolled in the only available course: psychology.
Most of our writing classes were now focused on creative writing with a much smaller emphasis on sentence structure.