《单身贵族》是权七仁执导,张真英、李凡秀、严正花、金柱赫主演的爱情喜剧电影,于2003年7月11日在韩国上映。 该片根据日剧《29岁的圣诞节》改编,讲述了三个有着爱情烦恼和痛苦经历的29岁男女,在失落彷徨中走到一起的故事。
n. singles
misc. the noble bachelor ; single noble ; the eligible bachelor
...词让人想到柯南道尔原著的三个故事,分别是《苏门答腊硕鼠》(The Giant Rat of Sumatra),《单身贵族》(The Noble Bachelor)和《最后致意》(His Last Bow)。二缺和
单身贵族跳棋 Single Noble
你是单身贵族 Are you a single noble ; You are singles
我依然还是单身贵族 I still singles ; I am still playing singles
单身贵族的情调 Mood singles ; Singles ambience
单身贵族拉 Singles
单身贵族-罗马 Bachelor-Rome ; The Bachelor Rome
我还是单身贵族 I'm still singles ; I singles
本姑娘单身贵族 The girls singles ; This girl singles
As you progress into becoming a successful single, you will find more and more advantages.
Be single And Happy: Learn to appreciate your single status.
One of the best ways to find your life partner is to be a happy, successful single person living the life that you really want.