...律宾(Philippines):对于进口货物没有设定免征的额度,对所有包裹都可能征收关税,存在征税的不确定性; 印尼(Indonesia):从数据来看,印度尼西亚很少被查到; 日本(Japan):在价值小于1000日元的包裹免收税,从实际的操作数据看,日本较少出现...
印尼盾 indonesian rupiah ; IDR ; Rp
印尼语 INDONESIAN ; indonesian language ; Bahasa
印尼炒饭 Nasi Goreng ; Indonesian fried rice ; Indonesian rice ; Fried rice Indonesian style
印尼电信 Telkom Indonesia ; Telekomunikasi Indonesia ; Telkom ; TLK
印尼国家银行 BNI ; Pt. Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk ; Bank BNI
印尼啸鹟 Wallacean Whistler
印尼奇蟾鱼 Allenbatrachus grunniens
印尼亚洲航空 Indonesia AirAsia
印尼公私伙伴合作关系示范中心 Pilot PPP Center based in Indonesia
Indonesia is a country of the most in numbers of Ethnic Chinese, at the same time exhibits most serious problem.
参考来源 - 试论影响印尼华侨华人的政治与文化因素In Southeast Asian,Indonesia is the one who carried out financial liberalization relatively early and thoroughly.
参考来源 - 20世纪80年代以来印度尼西亚金融自由化研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
How about selling that new motorcycle of yours in Indonesia?
If you've ever visited parts of Indonesia--which I have not— and if you've ever visited parts of China--which I have not— I am told that you will hear this kind of music.
And every musical culture around the world-- and I've talked with ethnomusicologists about this particular point-- every musical culture around the world, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Indian, African whatever, they all use this phenomenon of octave duplication in their music-- octave duplication in the music.