The so-called meaning is restricted by the gene of the so-called, which can be divided into four parts and understood in predicate logical radicals.
奥地利最大的储蓄银行Erste Bank,已经许可私人资本进入,并且上浮到64.5%的股份;而它本身则维持在30.5%。
The biggest savings bank there, Erste bank, has opened itself to private capital, floating 64.5% of its shares; its own foundation retains a blocking 30.5%.
However, modeling an object sending a message to itself can be useful in some cases.
The structural moment of concentration on the code for its own sake cannot be avoided, and literature necessarily breeds its own formalism.
because it's like a village in itself even though it's in London.
And one thing that seems intrinsically bad, one thing that seems to reduce the value of a life, is pain.