地瓜粉也叫番薯粉,它是由蕃薯淀粉等所制成的粉末,一般地瓜粉呈颗粒状,有粗粒和细粒两种,通常家中购买食用以粗粒地瓜粉为佳,具有降火的功效,是福建省中餐菜肴和点心制作中常见的淀粉之一。 地瓜粉与太白粉一样,融于水中后加热会呈现粘稠状,而地瓜粉的粘度较太白粉更高,因此,在中菜勾芡时较少使用地瓜粉,因为粘度较难控制。
... 北杏/苦杏仁apricot kernel/c你好nese almond/bitter almond 蕃薯粉/地瓜粉sweet potato flour 酸牛奶油/酸忌廉/酸牛奶汁食品?/酸牛奶汁食品?sour cream ...
... 地瓜冰 sweet potato ice 地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour 地瓜脯 preserved satoimo ...
蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour
生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour
蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour
地瓜粉条 Sweet potato noodles ; Sweet potato starch noodles ; Sweet potato vermicelli
生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour
蕃薯粉╱地瓜粉 sweet potato flour
粗地瓜粉 coarse sweet potato powder
地瓜粉皮 sweet potato vermicelli
A famous snack of DaLian, it's made of pachyrhizus powder, similar like Fried cold jelly.
Buy: lactose, Sweet potato powder, wheat starch, some other food ingredients for biscuit producing, processing equipment for biscuit.
这道廉价的麻辣小吃风靡全中国,主要制作方法是用大豆、辣椒酱以及好几种醋和辣油制成的汤汁配地瓜粉制成的粉丝。 。
This inexpensive spicy snack is beloved all over China and is made of sweet potato flour glass noodles stewed in a soup made of soybeans, chili paste, copious amounts of vinegar, and chili oil.