int. gramercy
misc. thanks a lot ; Many thanks ; thank you ever so much
|那你是产生错觉了 thank you.|多谢 running out of colors here,blair.|Blair 各种颜色都用光了 (意指Blair违规太多) .
多谢你的夸奖 Thanks for your flattering me
多谢失恋 TWINS ; Dj-Kevin-ReMix ; Thanks for Breaking Up
多谢你 Thank you ; My Dad Is a Jerk ; Tha freek You
维克多·谢阁兰 Victor Segalen
多谢邀请 Thanks a lot for the invitation
多谢你的宝贵时间 Thank you for your time
多谢你的褒奖 Thanks for your flattering me
多谢了 B Thanks a lot ; Thank you very much ; TNX ; encode
多谢合作 Thanks for your cooperation
你辛苦了, 多谢。
Oh, I'm sorry. You're patiently waiting for me to reward. Or actually, maybe you're not. Thank you.
Sorry, I should reward you. Thank you for that statement. Anybody have an opposing opinion? Everybody's answering these things and sitting way up at the back. Nice catch. Yeah.
Thank you for doing the interview.