概念 大汗腺(large sudoriferous gland)是指人的顶浆分泌的汗腺。形态与小汗腺相似,分泌物虽然与各大汗腺有所不同,但是都与汗无关。
但是它们还有布满全身充斥着每个毛囊的大汗腺(Apocrine sweat glands),这只少量存在于人的腋下等部位。大汗腺不能分泌汗液,但是它们会分泌一些有气味油性化合物,这就是为什么狗狗有狗味。
大汗腺癌 apocrine carcinoma ; carcinoma of large sweat gland ; carcinoma of the apocrine gland
大汗腺囊腺瘤 apocrine cystadenoma
大汗腺囊瘤 apocrine hidrocystoma
大汗腺毛囊角化病 fox fordyce disease
大汗腺样瘤 apoctine carcinoma
大汗腺化生 apocrine metaplasia
大汗腺腺瘤 Apocrine adenoma
大汗腺样癌 apocrine carcinoma
大汗腺修剪 apocrine sweat gland pruning
ResultsThe group that underwent apocrine sweat gland pruning had the lower recurrence rate and pathological slices apocrine gland remain rate for malodor.
参考来源 - 两种美容术式治疗腋臭的疗效分析—《中国美容医学》—2011年第1期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The recurrence rate after operation of both the subcutaneous pruning and subcutaneous curettage plus large sweat gland follicle removal was less than that of subcutaneous curettage.
The sweat gland of human being consists of eccrine gland and large sweat gland( apocrine gland) which is the root of body odor.
Conclusion: Apoptosis exists in hair follicle cells and apocrine gland cells after Laser irradiation.