... I'm sick and tired (我已经疲惫) I've had enough (我很难受) we need time to heal (我们需要时间来治疗伤口) ...
听到这个消息我很难受 Sorry to hear that
我会很难受 I will be very unhappy ; My would be tough ; I will be hard
我心里很难受 I felt very uncomfortable ; I was hurt ; I was very uncomfortable
我很郁闷难受 I went crazy sick ; I am very depressed unhappy ; Miserable I am depressed
我感到很难受 I feel very sorry ; I feel very uncomfortable ; I feel terrible
我真的很难受 I really feel very uncomfortable
我们都很难受 We are all very unpleasant ; We are very sad ; We are difficult
我感觉很难受 I feel very uncomfortable