...见时,如果不同意,除了有些人比较直接表达外,大部分外国同事都会先说一句“我听你的(I hear you)”或者“我明白(I understand)”。而每每到了会后推进工作或项目的时候,再去征求他的意见,他会很清楚地告诉你我不同意。
... And I know just why you could not 我也懂了为什么你不能 I know why 我知道为什么 ; 我明白 Just you know why 夏小靖 ; 唔讲太多 ; 鼠太郎 ...
我明白了 I SEE ; I understand ; kh nyom yu-uhl ; I've known that
但是我明白 But I know
我明白他 I Understand Him
这让我明白了 And made me understand
现在我明白 Now I understand ; Now I see ; now i think i know
现在我明白了 Now I see ; Now I understand ; Now I think I know ; And I know now
你让我明白 You help me understand
但我明白 But I know ; But now I see ; Doch ich wei
因此我明白 so i see
Dakota And this is one of them from 2002 called Dakota, and I think you will see immediately how and why it is related to On the Road.
If you can feel the force of that thought, then you're seeing how the question Will I survive?
If it's not obvious, I think this is the kind of thing you should fill in the blanks when you go home.