(第十本)【其他人的评价】(加表示目前没有上映;加*表示只出场一小点,与该集剧情无关)口头禅我明白了(I see)263大阪双重谜团浪花剑士和太阁之城(之前他们关系不错):因为被老爸利用了,所以大吼一声:"狐狸眼的臭老爸,下次再敢这样对我,我让...
(是,我知道了) 也可用I understand(我明白了),或Yes?),或者不清楚该用什么样的英语短语和句子来跟老板交流,很可能会让上司误会你不尊重他,我是否可以休一天假,在学习职...
柬埔寨语翻译-瑞科南京柬埔寨语翻译公司-南京专业柬埔寨语翻译 ... kh*nyom s'dap bân 我听懂了 kh*nyom yu-uhl 我明白了 kh*nyom s'dap meun bân tây 我没太听懂 ...
... I've known that 我明白 I've known that 我明白了 You are secret long forgotten 你是长久而又神秘的遗忘 ...
这让我明白了 And made me understand
现在我明白了 Now I see ; Now I understand ; Now I think I know ; And I know now
我想我明白了 I think I know ; I think I understand the ; I think I get it
我明白了一个道理 I understand the truth ; I understand one principle ; never let your friend down ; never let your friends disappointed
但我想告诉你我明白了 but tha plan is ta show ya that i understand
我明白了很多 I understand a lot of ; I understand that many ; I see a lot of
这之后我明白了 I understand that after the ; After that I understand ; After that I see
现在我明白了这 now i understand it
你们让我明白了爱 I understand that you love ; You showed me love
They're in a -the first thing to understand is that -I start out by telling you the story of the goldsmith banker.
OK? Because what am I doing? It's called bubble sort because it's literally bubbling along, right?
It was my first trip outside the United States and really helped me understand my identity as an American was probably the most significant aspect of my identity.