在手工艺者中颇受欢迎,因为其设计清晰且有很多独到之处,使得访问者能够选择很多不同的方式去浏览站点中的125 000多个商家。
Has become hugely popular among crafters because of its clean design and unique features that let visitors choose different methods of browsing through the site's 125, 000 vendors.
Has become hugely popular among crafters because of its clean design and unique features that let visitors choose different methods of browsing through the site's 125,000 vendors.
珠宝设计工艺在意大利的历史悠久,可以追溯到三千年前的伊特鲁利亚人。 此次展览是意大利悠久手工艺传统的生动写照,正是这些设计工艺使意大利数百年来保持着珠宝设计领域的杰出地位。
Jewellery design has a long history in Italy, which can be traced back 3,000 years to when the Etrurian civilisation boomed.