收据是企事业单位在经济活动中使用的原始凭证,主要是指财政部门印制的盖有财政票据监制章的收付款凭证,用于行政事业性收入,即非应税业务 !
n. receipt ; quittance ; voucher
misc. documentary evidence ; receipt note
抵押金收据 the Receipt of Customs Security
货物收据 goods receipt ; cargo receipt ; [贸易] receipt of goods ; receipt for goods shipped
信托收据 [金融] trust receipt ; letter of trust ; T/R
邮包收据 [邮] parcel post receipt ; POST RECEIPTS ; Postal Parcel Receipt ; parcel receipt
包裹收据 parcel receipt ; [邮] parcel post receipt ; parcel
场站收据 Dock receipt ; DockRecipt ; D/R Dock Receipt ; D/R
承运货物收据 cargo receipt ; burden cancellation ; cargo o receipt
行李收据 baggage receipt ; [交] Luggage receipt ; traudio-videoel luggage receipt ; totes receipt
存款收据 Einzahlungsquittung ; Fast Cheque Deposit Receipt ; deposite receipt
It would be so easy if you built a cohesive system that carries the entire transaction to create a receipt that is useful.
I learn of their menu, their hours, whatever they want to put on their receipt they can put there.
So, this is a photograph that someone took on the internet of a real world receipt from a restaurant somewhere I think in the UK and I think the take away will perhaps be cleared pretty fast.