板式换热器是由一系列具有一定波纹形状的金属片叠装而成的一种高效换热器。各种板片之间形成薄矩形通道,通过板片进行热量交换。板式换热器是液—液、液—汽进行热交换的理想设备。它具有换热效率高、热损失小、结构紧凑轻巧、占地面积小、应用广泛、使用寿命长等特点。在相同压力损失情况下,其传热系数比管式换热器高3-5倍,占地面积为管式换热器的三分之一,热回收率可高达90%以上。 板式换热器的型式主要有框架式(可拆卸式)和钎焊式两大类,板片形式主要有人字形波纹板、水平平直波纹板和瘤形板片三种。
交叉流换热器又分管束式、管翅式、管带式和板翅式三种 (d) 板翅式交叉流换热器 (4) 板式换热器 ( plate heat exchanger ):由一组几何结构相同的平行 薄平板叠加所组成,冷热流体间隔地在每个通道中流动,其特点是拆卸清 洗方便,故适用于含有易结垢物的流...
...板式换热器;制冷性能;温度区间;温度跨度 [gap=1153] Pyrology; Room temperature magnetic refrigeration; Active magnetic regenerator; Plate type heat exchanger; Refrigeration performance; Temperature range; Temperature span ..
... plate exchanger 螺旋板式换热器 ; 板式换热器 ; 板型换热器 sheet exchanger 固定管板式换热器 ; 固定管板换热器 tubular exchanger 管式换热器 ...
螺旋板式换热器 scroll-plate heat exchanger ; spiral heat exchanger ; spiral plate exchanger
固定管板式换热器 fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger ; fixed tube-sheet exchanger ; Fixed plate heat exchanger ; sheet exchanger
平板式换热器 flat plate heat exchanger ; plate heat exchanger ; flat plate-type heat exchanger
镍钎焊板式换热器 BRQ
刮板式换热器 SSHE
钎焊式板式换热器 BPHE
伞板式换热器 bevel plate heat exchanger
翅板式换热器 [化工] finned sheet exchanger
With corrugated plate heat exchanger as a research object,the simulations of the fluid flow inside and outside the plate were analyzed through computational fluid dynamics(CFD).
参考来源 - 波纹板式换热器的数值模拟·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The manifold types of welded plate type heat exchanger and its application are recommended.
In this paper, it talks about the technology application in immobility pipe-board type heating exchanger.
A new type of plate heat exchanger using low-pressure secondary steam was introduced in this article.