枯,拼音:kū,为形声词。字从木、从古古亦声。“古”意为“老”。“木”与“古”联合起来表示“古老的树木”。本义:年久的树木。辨析:枯与槁。“枯”指年久的树木。“槁”指树冠光秃)。 在古代,枯还表示数字“八十”。 指失去水分,水全没有了:干~。~萎。~槁。~荣。~鱼衔索(串在绳索上的干鱼,形容存日不多)。 没趣味,无生趣:~燥。~肠(喻枯涩贫乏的思路)。 表示心情低落。~了,与哭谐音,表示相近含义。例如:那个任务好难,我做了十几遍也不对,我~了。
枯草杆菌 hay bacillus ; subtilis ; hay infusion bacteria
百草枯 [农药] Paraquat ; paraquat dichloride ; PQ ; Gramoxone
巴枯宁 Mikhail Bakunin ; Bakunin ; Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin ; Michael Bakunin
枯山水 japanese rock garden ; Karesansui ; the dry landscape ; karesansui
夏枯草 Prunella vulgaris ; self heal ; Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike ; Spica Prunellae ; prunella spike
枯萎 Wither ; blight ; perish ; wilt
资源枯竭城市 cities that have exhausted their resources ; resources-exhausted city
资源枯竭 resource depletion ; resource exhaustion ; exhausted resource ; exhaustion of resources
枯草芽孢杆菌 [微] Bacillus subtilis ; brevibacterium ; Bair conditionerillus subtilis ; Bair coolingillus subtilis
If only you'd known you had another 50 years, that you weren't going to die young-- or James Dean, going to burn out fast and die young-- if only you'd realized you were going to live to the ripe old age of 97, you would have picked a different life for yourself.