死循环(Infinite Loop):是一个永不终止的循环。语法错误(Syntax Error):是由于拼错一条命令或使用不正确的语法引起的一种错误。
...这是一个会导致死循环(endless loop)的bug,因为比较有意思所以记录一下。 先看左则的原始代码,两个if分别针对OrCondtion和AndCondition对象内部的child进行迭代,检...
... 强耦合,紧密耦合 closed linkage 死循环,闭合回路 closed loop 闭回路自动控制系统 closed loop automatic control system ...
... ?; 我也用这个问题开始讨论宏的副作用,例如:当你写下面的代码时会发生什么事?least = MIN(*p++, b); 死循环(Infinite loops) 第三个方案是用 goto ...
死循环增益 close loop gain ; close loogain ; closed-loogain ; loop gain
死循环控制系统 closed control system ; closed loop control system ; loop control system ; Time closed-loop control system
生死循环 Cycle
复仇死循环 Blood Of Redemption ; Blood of Redemptio
死循环电压增益 loop voltage gain
则进入死循环 loop forever
死循环反应器 reactor ; closed-loop reactor ; closed cycle
死循环控制 closed-loop control ; close cycle control
死循环系统 closed-loop system ; closed-loosystem
The action will be invoked and the method Run will execute an infinite loop.
My fingers were digging in the rich soil, pulling up the plants and brushing off the dirt to return to the cycle of life and death in my garden.
Now, as obvious a statement as that is in this algorithm, it turns out that is the key to this whole problem being solved correctly without my algorithm looping infinitely.
Now, as obvious a statement as that is in this algorithm, it turns out that is the key to this whole problem being solved correctly without my algorithm looping infinitely.
Now, all the cat is doing is that it's an infinite loop and it's checking if I am not facing bird, - face bird, and it's -- It's constantly chasing the bird.
It looks like a tautology because you're never able to show me something that moves forever at a constant velocity, because every time you don't find such a thing, I give an excuse, namely, a force is acting.