...放疗;短疗程;非常规;化疗;同步 [gap=1525]Key words】 Lung cancer;Shape radiotherapy suitable;Short course of treatment;Extraordinary gauge;Chemotherapy;Synchro ..
...半在前一个周期黄体期中就必须开始用药(long protocol) ,虽然后来有人提出在同周期和性腺激素同步使用的短疗程(short protocol),甚或缩短至三天的超短疗程(ultrashort protocol),可惜效果不彰,无法被认同。
缩短疗程 Shorten Period Of Treatment
短疗程治疗 Short-course therapy
直接督导下的短程化疗 DOTS
短程疗法 brachytherapy ; short course triple
焦点解决短程治疗 SFBT ; Solution-focused Brief Therapy
短程化疗 Directly observed treatment short course ; short course chemotherapy
短程治疗 Abbreviated course treatment ; BT
的短程化疗 Directly observed treatment short course ; DOTS
导下的短程化疗 Directly observed treatment short course ; DOTS
They found that the long course better eased symptoms over time and improved 1-year survival compared with the short course.
OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin with clarithromycin for the treatment of patients with acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis(ABECB) in short course therapy.
AIM To explore the effect of low-dose and short-term antithymocyte globulin(ATG) in treatment of early steroid-resistant rejection after renal transplantation.