管式(又称管壳式、列管式) 换热器是最典型的间壁式换热器,它在工业上的应用有着悠久的历史,而且至今仍在所有换热器中占据主导地位。管式换热器主要有壳体、管束、管板和封头等部分组成,壳体多呈圆形,内部装有平行管束,管束两端固定于管板上。
...管式换热器,热湿交换效率,间接蒸发冷却,直接蒸发冷却, [gap=569]Keywords:tubular indirect-direct combined evaporative cooling air conditioning,tubular heat exchanger,heat and humidity exchange efficiency,indirect evaporative cooling,direct evapo...
... sheet exchanger 固定管板式换热器 ; 固定管板换热器 tubular exchanger 管式换热器 money exchanger 换币处 ...
... 管式冷却器 tubular cooler 管式换热器 tubular heat interchanger 管状捏缩装置 tubular pinch device ...
填函式换热器 4、U型管式换热器(U-tube heat exchanger) 换热器的管束弯成U型,U型管两端固定在同一块管板上,在管箱中加有一块隔板。
壳管式换热器 Shell and tube exchanger ; shell and tube heat exchanger ; Shell & Tubu Heat Exchanger ; SHELL-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER
套管式换热器 double-pipe heat exchanger ; double-pipe heat interchanger ; double-pipe exchanger ; double tube type heat exchanger
列管式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger ; tubular heat exchanger ; tubular exchanger ; tube type heat exchanger
插管式换热器 bayonet-tube exchanger ; bayonet type heat exchanger
蛇管式换热器 coil type heat exchanger ; serpentine type heat exchanger ; [化工] coil heat exchanger ; spiral tube exchanger
逆流管式换热器 counter-current pipe exchanger
板管式换热器 tube-on-sheet heat exchanger ; wrapped type heart exchanger
螺旋管式换热器 spiral tube exchanger ; screw tube heat exchanger
多管式换热器 multi-tube exchanger
This paper study the model on line monitoring fouling in tubular heat exchangers.
Presents a kind of new heat exchanger for the domestic central air-conditioning system.
After repair as per the detailed repair scheme, the high-pressure spiral tube heat exchanger is recovered to normal run.