所谓经验,就是照事实原样而感知的意思。也就是完全去掉自己的加工, 按照事实来感知。一般所说的经验,实际上总夹杂着某种思想,因此所谓纯 粹的,实指丝毫未加思虑辨别的、真正经验的本来状态而言。例如在看到一 种颜色或听到一种声音的瞬息之间,不仅还没有考虑这是外物的作用或是自 己在感觉它,而且还没有判断这个颜色或声音是什么之前的那种状态。因此, 纯粹经验与直接经验是同一的。当人们直接地经验到自己的意识状态时。还 没有主客之分,知识和它的对象是完全合一的。这是最纯的经验。
Love, like all emotions, has no external physical reality: it may be driven by neural events, but it is nevertheless a purely subjective experience.
If the whole of human experience is simply a map of our sensory inputs projected subjectively in purely spatial terms, then what are the boundaries of that space?
Accepting responsibility for your experience and beginning to consciously create can bring an attitude of fun and enliven your everyday world with pure magic.
It is not simply a genetic endowment, nor is it simply the product of experience, " which Hobbes calls by the name "prudence."