《群众》(The Crowd),是美国导演金·维多导演的剧情电影作品,由埃莉诺·博德曼、James Murray等主演。该片于1928年2月18日在美国上映,未在国内上映。 影片讲述了一个乐观的年轻人,他到纽约去碰运气,开始时也找到了一些幸福,但小女儿的死使他离开了生活的常轨。
文章详细信息 关键词: 新农村;;群众;;体育素养;;现状 [gap=381]Keywords: New countryside;Mass;Sports quality;Present situation
...如观看北京电视台“快乐大本营”节目的观众,他们彼此不认识、无互动,仅仅因为他们的活动对象针对着同样的事情。群众(a crowd):当人们在身体上很接近,并且对同一情境做反应的时候,我们称之为群众。
基层群众自治制度 systems of community-level self-governance; the system of community-level self-governance ; the system of community-level self-governance ; Community-level self-governance ; the system of people's self-governance at grassroots
从群众中来,到群众中去 all officials should go to the grassroots communities ; the principle of "from the people; to the people" ; the principle of "from the people, to the people"
群众路线 the mass line ; mass line
脱离群众 losing its connection with the people ; to be divorced from the people; to divorce oneself from the masses; to be enticed away from the masses ; The masses
群众监督 public supervision ; masses’ oversight; oversight by the public
坚持群众路线 to adhere to the mass line ; adhere to the mass line
密切联系群众 good communication with the masses; to form close ties with the masses ; close ties with the people
群众路线教育实践活动 heighten awareness of and implement the Party's mass line ; the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the mass line ; a campaign to educate Party members about the mass line
同人民群众的血肉联系 close ties between the Party and the people ; flesh-and-blood ties with the people
He says furthermore a crowd the many is more incorruptible than the few.
Because when you do favor to people, people are more likely to contribute to your campaigns.
There's an aggression towards the urban crowd here that recalls and exaggerates Yeats's attitude at the same time, really in the same years, in poems like "A Coat" or "The Fisherman."