股权是有限责任公司或者股份有限公司的股东对公司享有的人身和财产权益的一种综合性权利。即股权是股东基于其股东资格而享有的,从公司获得经济利益,并参与公司经营管理的权利。 股权是股东在初创公司中的投资份额,即股权比例,股权比例的大小,直接影响股东对公司的话语权和控制权,也是股东分红比例的依据。
股权(Shareholding) 2. 投票协议(Voting agreement) 第一个因素很好理解,801,也没想到什么好词儿,Sean Parker 给Mark 当时提出的公司结构,甚至还...
股权激励 equity-based incentives for making innovation ; stock option incentive ; Stockholder's rights drive ; share ownership encouragement
认股权证 [金融] warrant ; stock warrant ; share warrant
股权基金 stock equity fund ; Equity funds ; private equity ; Bay Area Equity Fund
股权并购 Equity Merger and Acquisition ; Equity Merger
股权转让协议 the agreement on equity transference ; equity transfer agreement ; Share Transfer Agreement ; Share Purchase Agreement
区域性股权市场 regional equity market
股权变更申请书 application for equity alteration
股权和债券融资 financing by selling equities and issuing bonds
股权和分红激励政策 incentive mechanisms for innovation based on shares and dividends
And the ownership structure have effect on the long-run abnormal stock returns.
参考来源 - 企业并购绩效研究Shares investment is one of the important method to form the assets of an enterprise.
参考来源 - CGZ公司股权投资结构优化管理的实证研究And then we carried out the theoretic study and demonstrative analysis of the equity ownership structure and the governance structure.
参考来源 - 我国上市公司股权结构与治理结构研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
She will retain her very significant shareholding in the company.
Batman may win every hand, but equity investors should still fear the Joker.
If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.
So Jeremy would say, forget that, it looks pretty sound that we have an equity premium so we can trust that.
For Jeremy Siegel, in the latest edition of his book, the equity premium is 4% a year since 1802.
If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense; stocks go up in the long run.