试切创在致命伤的附近 laceration hesitation mark
Jackson was a decisive factor in many significant battles until his mortal wounding by friendly fire at the age of 39 during the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863.
很多士兵经常因极度危险的遭遇导致精神创伤。 受害者是如此之众,Morgan的想法能使士兵们摆脱PTSD的噩梦,同时也能让战场上的伙伴们避免产生致命的意识混乱吗?
With so many in danger, can Morgan's ideas prevent soldiers from slipping into the nightmare of PTSD, and keep others from life-threatening confusion on the battlefield?
The color was draining from Aberforth's face as though he had suffered a mortal wound.